How does Astrology work?

Astrology is an ancient knowledge that uses the image of the sky at a given moment to understand experiences involving all types of earthly life. The movements of celestial bodies are indicators of events and/or happenings that can take place in a mundane context.

This knowledge had its beginnings in Mesopotamia and Egypt. And, for many centuries, the reading of the configuration of the stars in the sky was done in order to predict facts, for example, to check the astrological chart of a newborn, probably a future king, and to find out if the baby would have a long and healthy life. thus being able to assume a reign. Other possibilities of using astrology, over time, were of a medical nature and for solving small problems in everyday life. For example, a map was surveyed to find out if a sick person was at risk of death. And if someone lost an object, it was possible, by reading an hourly map, to find out where that object was.

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Currently, astrology has other goals. It is indeed possible, these days, to make use of the techniques of the past. In addition, there are astrologers who study the oldest astrology, also known as traditional. However, the focus, in contemporary times, is to understand the human being in its essence. As a result, astrology, which is knowledge that operates through symbols, is easily able to dialogue with other areas of knowledge, such as analytical or Jungian psychology.

How does Astrology work?

Astrological language is a symbolic language that employs the terminology referring to the gods of Roman mythology to designate the planets, e.g. Jupiter, Mars, etc.

To calculate a natal or astrological chart, the following data are needed: day, month, year and time of birth. With the map in hand, the reading can now be performed.

The astrological chart, which is also called the zodiacal mandala, is made up of 12 houses. Each house represents an area/sector of life. In all these houses there is a sign and the planets are distributed and are found, by presence, in some of these houses. The signs attribute characteristics to the planets and the planets connect with each other through aspects, that is, by a kind of connection that the planets make with each other.

Therefore, it is necessary to emphasize that, when interpreting a natal chart, the zodiacal mandala must be taken into account in its entirety. All points found on the map, whether planets or not, must be interpreted together for an effective reading.

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