Chinese New Year 2021 β€” The Year of the Ox

When we think of the New Year, some images come to our minds, such as a shower of fireworks, toasts, hugs and of course the calendar change. In the West, we use a calendar that considers that a year is completed as soon as the Earth goes around the Sun, taking into account only the relationship between the planet and the star.

But who said that this is the only way to measure time? More precisely, according to the Chinese calendar, time can be measured from the Moon and the Sun, in relation to the Earth. According to the other count, then, the New Year does not happen simultaneously with the Western New Year.

What there is in common between the celebration of the Western New Year and the celebration of the Chinese New Year is the fireworks display. A striking element of this tradition is the exchange of red envelopes with different amounts of money, as a symbolic emergency reserve to face the year's challenges. In general, older people or couples give these envelopes to children or people who are single.

An essential point about the Chinese New Year is that, in this case, each new cycle is represented by one of the 12 animals that participated in a meeting with Buddha: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Serpent, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. From these 12 animals, the Chinese horoscope was also defined, so that all people are governed by these signs different from what we are used to.

the year of the ox

The year 2021 will be ruled by the Ox and will start on February 3rd of that year. To understand what this means, we need to know more about the Ox and what it represents for the Chinese horoscope. Oh! It is important to know that he can also be known as "buffalo".

Chinese New Year 2021 β€” The Year of the Ox
mentatdgt / Pexels

Represented by the colors white, green and yellow, the ox stimulates characteristics such as honesty, hard work, courage and determination. So people of the Ox sign, born in the years 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009 and 2021 will exhibit these qualities.

In relation to the year that will begin, the regency of the Boi can be analyzed from a more collective and less individual perspective. Overcoming, commitment and dedication are the virtues that will be more strongly present throughout the world.

The concepts that will be in vogue in this period are manifested even more strongly when we think that in 2020 many people lost their jobs and had to reinvent themselves to meet expenses and, at the same time, to keep hope alive.

Energies for 2021

The energies for 2021 will resume the importance of believing in recovery and transformation, getting your hands dirty and changing everything that is not good for you or for those around you. Even in the face of an uncertain future, vibrations will bring us strength and courage.

Analyzing the year of the Ox, however, goes beyond understanding that this animal will govern this new cycle. There are a number of other conclusions that can be drawn from this information. Next, see what they are and learn the best way to take advantage of the energies for 2021!

The Ox's rule is complemented by the Metal element and Yin energy. The union of these two aspects tells us that the year will be filled with a constant search for order and consistency in our attitudes. Signs with Yang energy and who are influenced by other elements, such as Wood, may have a little more difficulty adapting to this.

Chinese New Year 2021 β€” The Year of the Ox
Brett Jordan / Pexels

Another factor to be analyzed is what Metal refers to the lungs, and the search for fresh air and a healthier lifestyle must be present in your decisions. Prioritize outings to the countryside, to open places and pay attention to your diet.

Although creativity is less stimulated at this stage, don't be discouraged. Use this increase in your energy to gain stability to demonstrate work ethic and commitment in all circumstances.

A negative point of the Ox's influence is that it propagates the attachment to tradition and the refusal of new lifestyles. Instead of believing that the battle for a freer and more equal society is lost, however, open up to dialogue and show people who want to maintain tradition in every way how important it is to understand difference.

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The year 2021 will bring challenges that we cannot yet foresee, but that will be overcome with courage, strength and determination. So, if you are feeling discouraged and hopeless, take a deep breath, be with the people you love and enjoy the energies coming from the Boi regency to make a difference in your social circle!

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