Calendar of signs: know which one is yours!

There are a lot of people out there that, even before knowing the person's name, ask right away: what is your sign? And it looks like, depending on the answer, this becomes a reason for sympathy at first sight, an onslaught in flirting or even a “twisted nose”. Yea! We believe in the Zodiac and in the influence that the signs exert on our affinities, defects, friendships, humor and so on.

That basic horoscope deal before leaving the house, checking if your zodiac sign matches your crush's… Who never, right? But I don't know if you've stopped to think – and research! – what are the signs and where did the horoscope come from? So it is! So let's talk a little about this topic that arouses so much interest in people. For that, we really have to start from the beginning, way back when astrology started!

Well, in a very objective way, we can say that astrology begins when the human being looks at the sky for the first time, when he begins to perceive all the movement of the Sun, which rises and sets, the Moon and its phases and so on. begins to relate all these movements with nature. In this way, this “study of the stars” begins to serve the life of human beings and their activities, such as fishing, agriculture, the harvest season and so on.

Some astrologers maintain the theory that astrology began at the same time that calendars began to be constructed. Back then, calendars were very different from what we have now. In early calendars, time was guided by the Sun and Moon. Then comes the Lunar calendar, where the Moon was used to count the days and, through its phases, it was possible to know what time of year it was, thus helping in the activities that we talked about before, thus starting the synchrony between the sky and the Earth. Just to remind you, astrology only received that name from the XNUMXth century BC

Calendar of signs: know which one is yours!
Tatiana Kasianova / 123RF

Okay, but what about the signs?

We can say that the first relationship, in addition to this one with the “movements of day and night” (what we know as “rotation”), that the beginnings had were with the seasons of the year, in this case, periods: the cold, the heat , the winds, the flowers... In other words, the human being now has the perception that there are four different moments in the year (the 4 seasons) and that, on two days of the year, the duration of the day is equal to the duration of the night, that is, , the equinoxes, being the spring equinox and the autumn equinox!

From there, the Zodiac is built! The 4 cardinal signs were then divided: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, being the beginning of each season, and soon after, they are divided into 8 more signs, referring to the 3 months of each season, and thus the 12 signs are formed. of the Zodiac!

With this analysis of the sky and the position of the planets at the time we were born, we then have, through our sign, which refers to the time we were born, the main characteristics that form our personality.

In the Zodiac, each sign has an element - fire, earth, water and air - thus representing the energy that works in us and that influences our character and way of acting.

So after this brief historical analysis of how the zodiac came about, you can already see that the signs are totally different and that each one is ruled by a certain planet, as well as having an element, inducing our way of being. Know (or recognize!) now the characteristics of your sign, discover the element that represents it and the planet by which it is ruled:

Calendar of signs: know which one is yours!

Aries: March 21st to April 20th

Fire element

Ruling Planet: Mars

Characteristics: Impulsive and impetuous, the Aries when he sees it, has done it and gone! Bold and known for being pioneers, they are not afraid to take risks. He really likes a hustle and needs to expend energy. If there's an Aries person there, there's no boredom. There's a pique to follow!

Taurus: April 21st to May 20th

Element: Earth

Ruling Planet: Venus

Traits: Loyalty is the main characteristic of this sign. They need to be secure to engage in happiness. A little jealous, but maybe from being overprotective. They arouse admiration wherever they go and do not give up easily. There's a Taurus, so have hope!

Gemini: from May 21 to June 20

Element: Air

Ruling Planet: Mercury

Characteristics: Unpredictable, you can't tell what comes from a Gemini! Little patient, sometimes a bit explosive. But they like to live adventures and have a very good mood. They love to “party”, are always surrounded by people and have a great power: that of persuasion!

Calendar of signs: know which one is yours!

Cancer: June 21st to July 22th

Water element

Ruling Planet: Moon

Characteristics: They love a cuddle! Sensitive, they show their feelings easily and don't make a ceremony to declare themselves. They make friends very quickly, but a little fickle at times! Very reliable, dedicated to friends and with a very protective spirit. Very cute, no?

Leo: from July 23 to August 22

Fire element

Ruling planet: Sun

Characteristics: Communicative and like to demonstrate power. Leos like to mark their territory and be the best. All of this can be a little insecure at times. Charismatic wherever they go, Leos are either loved or hated and never pass by. Also, kind and loyal.

Virgo: August 23 to September 22

Element: Earth

Ruling Planet: Mercury

Features: Born to shine! Always with a goal in mind, they tend to charge themselves too much. Critics are always looking for details. Perfectionism is the keyword for this sign! They may even seem arrogant, but although they don't seem like it, they are very shy.

Libra: September 23nd to October 22st

Element: Air

Ruling Planet: Venus

Features: It pays not to get into a fight and impartiality is your greatest ally. Indecisive, but very sensitive, they are attracted to harmony and beauty. Totally connected to the arts, they identify with deep conversations and risk philosophizing about everything and everyone. Balance and caution, always!

Calendar of signs: know which one is yours!

Scorpio: October 23 to November 21

Water element

Ruling Planet: Pluto and Mars

Characteristics: Determined, do not measure efforts to achieve the desired. Scorpios tend to be very romantic and sexual, but they enjoy a serious and steady relationship! They use and abuse the art of conquest and have an enormous need to be in control of everything.

Sagittarius: from November 22 to December 21

Fire element

Ruling Planet: Jupiter

Characteristics: Sympathetic and in order to live life. They enjoy meeting people and making new friends. Having a friend like a Sagittarius is all good! Always on the side of justice, they are always defending those they love. They have an adventurous spirit, sometimes a little reckless!

Capricorn: December 22nd to January 20th

Element: Earth

Ruling Planet: Saturn

Traits: Dedicated to work, which makes him seem a little antisocial at times, but it's pure dedication. Realistic, down to earth and great advisors when it comes to finances! It takes them a while to gain trust, but when it is earned, they become very loyal friends!

Aquarius: January 21st to February 18th

Element: Air

Ruling Planet: Uranus and Saturn

Features: Free and independent spirit! Always looking for new things and new people to relate to. They are eccentric and use and abuse creativity. They really like the news! Aquarians like to be original and innovative. They are not very fond of giving their arm and a little rebellious at times.

Calendar of signs: know which one is yours!

Pisces: from February 19 to March 20

Water element

Ruling Planet: Neptune

Characteristics: Romantic and dreamy. She values ​​those she loves and, at times, seems to live and believe in a fairy tale. A strong point of those ruled by the sign of Pisces is empathy with others. Doing good pleases this sign! A little distracted, but this is the result of daydreaming so much!

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So, did you identify yourself? It is well known that astrology is an excellent tool for self-knowledge and, through it, we can orient ourselves and center our potential. We had here a brief summary of what each sign is. But astrology goes far beyond that. If we delve deeper into this knowledge, we will discover more than we realize about our selves and the way in which we are governed and influenced. That's why it's always recommended to make an Astral Map, because, with it, you can understand much more about your characteristics and conflicts, learning to deal with yourself and situations, being sure of what is reserved for you, after all, the Astros never lie!

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