March 14: National Animal Day

They are the true owners of the planet, the masters of nature, those who would never harm the house they inhabit. Judged by many as inferior, animals are actually the purest and most loving beings that inhabit the Earth. So horribly attacked by us men, hunted, threatened and many already extinct, despite not having rationality, they feel, suffer and love, even if on a different scale. The question we should ask ourselves is: why do we continue to harm creatures who are only with us as brothers on the walk, and who have as many rights as we do to be here?

The human being, from the height of his supposed superiority, learned to exploit and hurt many of his peers, let alone animals. It is very difficult to expect compassion and pity from humans, who often do not even respect their fellow human beings. The German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer was right when he said that “the human being has made the Earth a hell for animals”, because the lack of appropriate legislation to protect them and the human disrespect for these beings generated a real fear in the species in question. relation to us humans. It could: when we gained their trust, many of us betrayed them. But I wouldn't want this article to be about cruelty and meanness.

March 14: National Animal Day
Peter Scholten / Unsplash

Let's praise those who bring us so much joy: from insects, so important for pollination and maintenance of life, through the simplest vertebrates, such as small amphibians, to reptiles, birds and mammals, many of them in company, without which we would not know how to face the ills of everyday life. Without animals we wouldn't exist, and I'm not saying that predicting that without them we wouldn't have non-vital meat and milk, for example. I say this with the certainty that the maintenance of the planet is only possible thanks to the creatures that we often despise.

March 14: National Animal Day
Nathan Anderson/ Unsplash

The planet would live well without our presence, but not without the presence of animals. Certain that we don't want our extinction either, what should we do? Preserving any and all forms of life, even if we hate them. Even a cockroach, which we tend to hate, has a reason for being. Or what would a cute little gecko feed on?

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Thus, we do much more than celebrate this date, make these divine beings respected, valued and preserved. There is room for us to live in peace and harmony, knowing that animals deserve life as much as human beings. Possibly they arrived here first, and the moment man understands that they are not our slaves, but companions, we will reach the long-awaited Planet of Regeneration.

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