Autumn Equinox 2020

It is only through nature that we can find scientific explanations of how the complex needs of the body, organic and behavioral functions work. Because of this, astrology, as well as other sciences considered subjective, actually belong to the first greatness of science and are composed of subjectivities inserted in the observation of nature. So let's understand these functions of nature through the concept of the autumn and spring equinox.

In our hemisphere (South), when the sun enters the sign of Aries (between the 20th and 21st of March) we have autumn, and in Libra (between the 20th and 21st of September) we have spring. It is in these seasons that the Earth comes into balance because day and night share the same time, that is, the three months of the autumn and spring season have the same amount of day and night, guiding a balance on the face of the earth.

In the three months following spring, the Earth becomes full, becoming a propitious moment for the birth and expansion of nature and consequently of our experiences, bodily and behavioral needs. Grass and trees become vivid and all living things in the world bloom. As man is part of nature, we also actively participate in these conditions of fullness. Spring is the season of growth!

Autumn Equinox 2020
Unsplash/Stephanie Krist

In the three months following autumn, the forms of all living things on Earth naturally mature and ready for harvest. The wind is vigorous and fast, the Earth's environment is clear and bright. The autumn atmosphere calls for tranquility and calm to enjoy the harsh autumn air early in the morning. Autumn is the season of harvest!

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Autumn Equinox 2020 in Astrology

In the case of astrology, we need to balance our feelings, actions and behaviors, as well as promote the growth of projects and reap the rewards! For this, it is necessary in Aries, to look at yourself, but on the other hand, find the middle path through its opposite energy, Libra. The same happens when the Sun is in Libra, for there to be cooperation and justice, it is necessary to understand the needs of the other and balance with our own.

Autumn Equinox 2020
Unsplash/Jakob Owens

When the Sun enters Aries we start the real Astrological Year, it has always been like this! Because we have the vibe of spring in the northern hemisphere, and that's when everything starts, and we can see that through a simple observation: nature! Have you ever stopped to think: september (seven) is the seventh month, october (eight) is the eighth month and november (nine) is the ninth month, etc. For political and cultural reasons, the beginning of the year was changed to January, but as you can see, this was not always the case.

It is at the equinox that we are able to interact with the balance and harmony of nature, which portrays exactly what the body, soul and spirit need: grow and harvest!

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