Astrological New Year – Jupiter

    I want to wish you a Happy New Year! Today, March 20 at 13:15 pm, 26 seconds Spanish time, the Astrological New Year begins. This is because the sun enters the constellation of Aries.

    Chaldeans, a very studious people, brought the astrology that we know today, worked a lot with eclipses, the movements of the moon and managed to make interesting calculations that became the technique to discover which planet rules each year. And this year's ruling planet is the planet Jupiter.

    I like to say first that the planet is a state of consciousness, it brings to Earth the need to evolve, to bring awareness to certain issues, expanding our state of consciousness. And Jupiter will bring us the question of wisdom. The person who acquires wisdom is the one who really has ethics, a person who seeks knowledge, expands the field of vision and works on laws, because because it is about ethics, legal matters will also arise, as well as contact with other cultures, access to information , to knowledge, philosophical access. It will mess a lot with religious issues, taking religion, not as dogma, after all the word religion comes from the Latin religare, which means to reconnect to something.

    The planet Jupiter is very well aspected in the Astrological New Year chart and makes a very important aspect to the planet Pluto, in a good way it is a sextile. And he has been saying that all of us will have the possibility to expand and create awareness through deepening, research, reassessment about death and life. This is because Jupiter is in Scorpio, a sign that always goes deep.

    This scenario has been catching all Scorpios, who this year will have the possibility to grow. A growth that can only be annual or that will impact the coming years as well. And how to evaluate all this? Through the state of consciousness of each one of us!

    The planet Jupiter works with our belief systems and those who have wisdom, who are walking within ethics, within what is recommended in initiatory schools of evolution, are aware of how knowledge can transmute beliefs. So, if you have a belief that sets you free and brings you growth, that belief will help you to actually achieve your goal and your objective. Now, if you have a more limiting belief, it somehow gets stuck. There may be growth, but it will be less than what that person can actually achieve. So much state of consciousness for each one.

    What we must be careful with Jupiter is arrogance, exaggeration, lack of limits, which will bring waste. Opportunities come, but we miss them.

    Jupiter is a wonderful consciousness and I hope that all of us, within the specific consciousness that is up to each one, within their worthiness, can really expand that state.

    In the modern view, there is a neglect of the Chaldeans, so it is natural, within astrology, to have several fields of vision. Every astrologer familiarizes himself with some kind of technique, prediction or observation in modern astrology, and will put in check the year, a planet that is more angular in the natal chart, in this case, Venus and Mercury. The two are together and dealing with female figures, since Venus brings this issue of the feminine and is very challenged, because it squares the planet Pluto. This will be the issue of the year, highlighting the role of women in the world.

    At the same time we will reevaluate values, for example: how do I want to handle my money? Money, prosperity, is not a specific amount, but it is associated with your self-worth. All of this is going to be something to make us thinking beings about issues like self-esteem, self-fulfillment, female figures, who we really are in this experience.

    These are the two main points of the year for you to reflect, think, plan and build wonderful things.

    Be in peace, light and wisdom, a great year for you!

    Astrological New Year – Jupiter


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