Astral Map as a tool for self-knowledge β€” Meanings of the planets Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto

There are many ways to exercise self-knowledge. Some people do it through meditation, others through Yoga. There are also those who do a weekly psychological follow-up and those who prefer other means of getting to know themselves better. One such tool is astrology.

From information about someone's birth, such as date, place and time, it is possible to draw up an astral map, which indicates how the stars, planets and the Moon act on that person's personality. With this survey, any individual can learn more about what he feels, what he thinks and how he acts, either alone or with the help of professional astrologers.

It can be difficult, however, to analyze a birth chart perfectly, as there are many factors to analyze. As far as the planets are concerned, for example, we already have eight different observation points, which may seem a little confusing to a lay person.

It is in this sense that we will help you. With a series on astrology and self-knowledge, we have prepared articles that will show you what each part of your birth chart says about you. In the following article, you will learn about the meaning of the planets Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. After that, keep learning more about yourself by clicking on other articles in this series at the bottom of the page!

Planet Saturn

Astral Map as a tool for self-knowledge β€” Meanings of the planets Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto
Engin Akyurt / Pexels

The Saturn Consciousness is responsible for the development of EMOTIONAL MATURITY. His symbol teaches us that there is only maturity when there is emotional understanding. By acting in the field of emotions, your experiences cause pain and suffering, but after reaching consciousness, the pain ceases and becomes WISDOM. It is seen as a challenging consciousness that activates the most difficult experiences, but it is what gives us merits and rewards at the end of the journey. No need to be afraid of Saturn experiences. Take them as a gift, as this placement represents the KARMAS that we came to re-edit.

Uranus planet

The Uranus consciousness is responsible for the sense of equality, fraternity and freedom. Your position will indicate the issues you should deal with with greater authenticity and freedom. Uranus teaches us that freedom is an achievement and that it can only be achieved by those who manage to have a more fraternal and humanitarian vision of the needs of society.

All of us, in our essence, seek freedom, because it precedes the end of our journey. Furthermore, a free being is a being who has managed to overcome many limitations and has understood that freedom is an act of social responsibility. Developing Uranus in your experiences is understanding that you are not an isolated being, but part of the whole.

Planet Neptune

Astral Map as a tool for self-knowledge β€” Meanings of the planets Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto
Anna Shvets / Pexels

Neptune consciousness is responsible for conveying the true meaning of LOVE. Because it is a generational planet, it does not refer to the love we experience with the Venus consciousness, which is self-love; we have here manifested the sense of love for everyone, without any kind of distinction. Compassion, altruism, selflessness, sacrifice… in short, all these attributes are brought by Neptune. He asks that we, in human conditions, can overcome the invisible and understand that we are made of energy.

Therefore, he brings the concept of union through a SPIRITUAL vision. When we enter this consciousness, the sense of time and space disappears, as there is an understanding that we are timeless beings and that the unconscious is dominant in our choices and experiences. At this stage, we are able to reach archived memories of other lives and become more detached from matter. Manifesting love for humanity is his teaching.

Planet Pluto

Pluto consciousness is responsible for raising the real understanding of power. We have a very restricted view of power, because we use the sense of status and hierarchy to it. We are wrong when we view Pluto's power in such a low and petty way. Pluto brings us the real sense of power, because it brings the closing of cycles and death. Humanity suffers precisely because it is afraid of death, so it ends up making decisions that can lead to error and usually lead to abuse of power.

  • Understand what Mercury, Venus, Mars and Jupiter indicate in the birth chart
  • Uncover the planetary aspects of your birth chart
  • Evaluate what is the meaning of the Moon in your birth chart
  • Learn to improve the quality of your time

When we tune into Pluto, we stay strong when we need to evolve into another cycle and stage of evolution. It can be noted that we go through this at various times in our existence and we will all go through physical death, so we should take it naturally. It is exactly this consciousness that gives us ABSOLUTE POWER, because nothing ends, everything is transformed. When you find yourself in a changing situation and you don't know what to do, it is Pluto that is at work in your experience. In this case, you will need to have only one posture to resolve: let go and let go.

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