Aries zodiac stones

Have you heard about crystallomancy? This is a branch of mystical knowledge that studies the power of crystals over our lives, since, according to her, all crystals emanate energy on us. And each person, according to his personality, is affected differently by stones. That's why we've prepared this article to introduce you to the sign stone of Aries!

Since our zodiac sign has a lot of influence on who we are and our personality, knowing which zodiac stones influence us the most is essential to discover which crystals can help you the most in your needs. Check out which stones can help Aries the most!

Which stones are in the sign of Aries?

In short, every native of the Zodiac receives the energies emanating from the stones in a different way, because of their characteristics. That is why it is essential to find out which of them most enhance the positive points of the natives or help them deal with their problems. Discover the stones that best suit Aries and learn how to use, clean and energize these crystals!

Carnelian (main stone)

Carnelian is the main stone of the natives of Aries, because, above all, the reddish color of this crystal is associated with the element that rules Aries, Fire. So carnelian is associated with the essence and protection of Aries natives, as the Fire element protects and defines them.

In addition, carnelian "boosts" the resistance of those who use it, as long as they are motivated and self-confident people - and motivation and self-confidence are two things that are left over in the personality of Aries. Finally, this stone is a great ally for ambitious and daring people who want to go far.

β€’ How to use: the stone itself as an amulet, bracelets, pendants and necklaces, censers.

β€’ How to clean: wash in running water and, from time to time, soak in coarse salt for 5 minutes.

β€’ How to energize: leave the stone in sunlight for about 3 hours and, on the next energization, for about 4 hours in moonlight.

β€’ Where to buy: We Mystic.

Red Jasper (auxiliary stone)

Red jasper is a good allied stone for Aries, because it encourages a balance between the physical, mental and spiritual sides. As they are very impulsive and inconsequential, Aries natives take attitudes and take actions that can end up unbalancing one of these fronts, so red jasper helps to balance.

In addition, Aries are always trying to overcome themselves in a mental and psychological sense, getting rid of barriers such as fears and apprehensions. So this stone can be a great help for them to leave any comfort zone to dare and overcome their mental limits, always in search of what they want.

β€’ How to use: the stone itself as an amulet, pendants and necklaces, decorative objects, bracelets, essential oils.

β€’ How to clean: wash in running water for a few minutes, handling well and running your fingers hard to remove impurities. Wash your hands well afterwards.

β€’ How to energize: leave it in the sunlight for no more than 30 minutes, as this stone has a very high and stable energy.

β€’ Where to buy: WeMystic

Ruby (additional stone)

Aries zodiac stones
Victor Moussa / Shutterstock

Aries are always exposing themselves, as they hate stagnation and the feeling that they are inert, without seeking evolution and development. That's why ruby ​​can be a great stone for them, as it has the power to restore health, energy and spirit, inspiring cheer and motivation.

It is a stone that helps to treat weariness, especially if they are physical or spiritual, but also psychological. It is that stone that Aries should use whenever they are feeling tired, exhausted and/or unmotivated to pursue their numerous goals.

β€’ How to use: the stone itself as an amulet, as well as jewelry and other accessories.

β€’ How to clean: soak for 15 minutes in a solution of 2 cups of warm water, 1 teaspoon of ammonia and 1 teaspoon of detergent. Then rinse only under running water.

β€’ How to energize: leave in sunlight for a maximum of 30 minutes, as ruby ​​is a very sensitive mineral to intense light and heat.

β€’ Where to buy: Earth Gems

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Anyway, these are the 3 main stones that most influence the personality of Aries. Now that you know how carnelian, red jasper and ruby ​​can help an Aries native, just enjoy the benefits they can bring to these impulsive natives.

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