Are ascendant and 1st house the same thing?

Not really. The zodiacal mandala, also known as an astral chart or natal chart, has 12 houses. Each of these houses represents an area/sector of an individual's life. Both the ascendant and the 1st house are inserted in this mandala.

The Ascendant, in an astrological chart, is the starting point. This starting point is called the cusp. All houses on a map have a cusp. The Ascendant is the beginning of the 1st house. It is positioned at a certain degree on the eastern horizon in the astrological chart.

Are ascendant and 1st house the same thing?

The positioning of the ascendant by degree and by sign will signal that at the time of birth, a certain sign was being born. It is important to note that throughout the day, all twelve signs rise and set. Therefore, people born on the same day will have different rising signs.

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The 1st house represents one of the twelve sectors of an individual's life. In this way, it is understood that the 1st house is an area of ​​activity in a person's life and the ascendant is the beginning of this same house. It is important to remember that the ascendant constitutes the degree located at this point. It appears that the degree of the ascendant can be positioned in one sign and the rest of the 1st house in another sign. This is possible if the sign located on the ascendant is in the final degrees. All signs have 30 degrees.

Both the Ascendant and the 1st house represent the most immediate personality trait. Both show personality traits that are most exposed. The ascendant and the 1st house indicate the image that someone projects in a first interpersonal contact. The two show how a person is seen by others.

An Aquarius ascendant will show an image, in interpersonal contact, of someone who is ahead of his time, progressive, innovative, participatory in groups and who values ​​friendship.

A Sagittarius ascendant will suggest someone who is always cheerful, optimistic, positive-thinking, adventurous, interested in high matters and demonstrates great knowledge.

However, it is important to note that when interpreting a map, one should never look at a single point. The reading is of the map in full. When calculating the ascendant for a given sign, it is important to note whether there are planets in the 1st house, planets in aspect/connected to the ascendant and/or planets in the 1st house, the conditions of the ruling planet of the domicile (planet whose qualities have affinities with the characteristics of a given sign) of the sign positioned on the ascendant.

It is noticed, then, that if a person, with ascendant in Sagittarius and who, at first, would be someone cheerful, expansive, etc. If other factors interfere with the manifestation of the rising sign characteristics, joy and expansion will not manifest.

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