You know those problems that end in “ites”? They do have a cure!

There are a multitude of diseases ending in it. We can mention some such as: sinusitis, rhinitis, colitis, pharyngitis, conjunctivitis, among many others. These types of problems are nothing more than inflammations occurring in the corresponding regions. These inflammations are a biological phenomenon. It is a way for the organism to react to some type of aggression suffered by several factors.

Cristina Cairo states in her book that any type of inflammation is a consequence of the patient's accumulation of anger, anger and nervousness.

You know those problems that end in “ites”? They do have a cure!
cottonbro / Pexels

Inflammations (-itis) according to Cristina Cairo:

For your better understanding when analyzing certain diseases, know that all those that end in “itis” mean inflammation: arthritis, tendinitis, etc. The constant anger, the accumulated anger, the contained nervousness, generate internal friction, fever and inflammation that will be somatized later.

  • Decrease your body's inflammation and thus express your best version
  • Uncover sinusitis and rhinitis according to Body Language
  • Try a natural sinus treatment
  • Inflammation in the throat: understand the cause of the pain
  • Make a Home Remedy for Sinusitis

But if the feelings are unburdened and completely withdrawn from the heart, the inflammation will not happen, or will be eliminated according to the degree of your understanding and forgiveness.

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