world vegan day

Veganism is not a diet, but a set of practices, which in turn is focused on animal rights, which is linked to a vegetarian diet.

Thus, vegans are vegetarians, that is, they cannot consume foods that contain meat from any animal, including poultry, fish and invertebrates, or their derivatives, such as egg, milk, gelatin, honey and cochineal, for example.

world vegan day

The term “veganism” means an ideology of life that seeks to exclude, as far as possible, all forms of animal exploitation: in food, clothing or any other means.

In this way, vegans are vegetarians who exclude animals not only from their diet, but from all aspects of life. They also avoid products that are tested on animals and places that use them as entertainment.

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It is, in turn, a way of a lifestyle which has as a principle the respect for animal rights, being above all a universal practice.

This idea of ​​living on a natural diet has been around since the 19th century, and consists of the practice of living on fruits, nuts, vegetables and grains.

Therefore, he excludes meat, fish, chicken, eggs, honey and animal milk from his diet, as well as butter and cheese.

world vegan day

This practice, veganism is based on the search for incentives to manufacture and use alternatives to animal products.

The term “vegetarianism” refers to a power system which, in turn, is a diet made from natural food, so its adherents eat products of plant origin, such as cereals, grains, vegetables, seeds and nuts.

Mushrooms and yeast are not vegetables, but are eaten by vegetarians.

The vegetarian diet

world vegan day

The food quota that the person eats is a diet; so it's a diet. In this way, the vegetarian diet is considered adequate for the human needs of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, minerals and for the vast majority of vitamins, and can be practiced at all stages of life by children, adults, adolescents, the elderly, pregnant women and athletes. .

Thus, vegetarianism is a diet, a diet that excludes the consumption of meat. In our country, in España, we are 14% of the population that declares themselves to be vegetarian, according to a survey by Ibope, in 2018; and that represents almost 30 million spanish who consider themselves practitioners of this diet, which has as its purpose not only natural food, but the objective of saving animals from slavery and slaughter every day. It also aims to strengthen the vegetarian movement, exposing the cruelty of the meat industry to the general public, as well as publicizing its great health benefits.

world vegan day

O Meatless Monday Program (SSC), implemented in España by the Sociedade Vegetariana Españaeira, celebrates the record of 327 million vegetable meals served in España in the last decade. In the first half of 2019 alone, more than 40 million plant-based dishes were served in Spanish territory.

The initiative helps to promote a balanced diet in the life of the population, also contributing to the reduction of diseases caused by the consumption of products of animal origin.

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