Circle Dances: education, art and healing (part 2)

    The Universe is a dance. The seasons of the year, the flow of waters, winds, living and non-living beings, the planets around the Sun…

    Dancing is the first form of communication and art created for a greater approach to God and gives the human its visceral identity with the divine forces. The word dance derives from the Sanskrit tan, which means tension. We express in dance the intensity of our relationships, with ourselves and with all beings, things, phenomena that surround us. Births, deaths, unions, encounters and disagreements, goodbyes, conflicts, loves, passing of the seasons, conquest of food and shelter, flavors and unpleasantness of life were celebrated and shared.

    The original organic dance is a loving way of living, feeling and experiencing the colors, perfumes, flowers, beauty and joy of the Universe. We were born dancing and so we could live our whole lives. A long historical process, however, made us distance ourselves from the Source of Creation, from our essence, from our nature, and we were transforming our dance. We lost part of our ancestral culture that danced with life. This perception led the dancer Bernhard Wosien to seek to rescue, in 1952, the dancing manifestations of the people, initiating a movement of Sacred Circular Dances, those that overflow all the ancestral wisdom of the Peoples, awaken our joy and deep connection with the Whole.

    Circle Dances: education, art and healing (part 2)
    Dmitry Bogdanov / Canva

    Many dances were originally danced in a circle. Others were adapted to this formation by Wosien, since the circle is a powerful symbol of unity, wholeness, sacredness, essence. In a circle we educate and heal ourselves, as we are strongly connected to a center of light and life, the source that connects us to our divine dimension.

    The full experience of the benefits of dances depends on how much the dancer surrenders and allows himself to be involved in the process. It also depends on the intentionality of each gesture, each breath, look... When this delivery happens, we are filled and we end up pouring out feelings of peace, respect, love, cooperation... We educate our attitude towards life, we learn to know and respect ourselves, in the constant search for balance between internal and external, individual and collective, after all, everything is one.

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    I got to know this movement when I was 12 years old and, years later, through it and from it, Dá Tua Mão was born. It was in the specialization in Environmental Education that I returned to circle dances as a source of healing and education and they accompany me in life and in my work!

    Come, let's dance, Give Your Hand...

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