The colors in your food

    Surely you must have heard out there that a colorful dish is much healthier and beautiful to look at and eat. Although colors are not exactly what influences health, this statement is the purest truth.

    Preparing a meal with a colorful menu means harmonizing nutrients necessary for our health. That's because the color of food stands out for the pigments present in it, substances that protect our body and benefit us in different ways, whether fighting inflammation or protecting us from diseases.

    Pleasant to the palate, eyes and health.

    Choosing colorful vegetables inserts numerous necessary minerals and vitamins into your menu, consuming vegetables in a diversified way only brings advantages to your body.

    The nutritional composition is a great reference for putting together a balanced meal, due to the colors and nutrients of each food. This goes for grains, fruits, vegetables or vegetables.

    Doctors say that the ideal dish needs to have at least three colors, know the purpose of some and create your colorful and healthy menu.

    White and green foods

    Foods of this color fight various heart diseases, improving circulation and inhibiting tumors in the intestine. In addition to being a great anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial source, ideal for those who have been injured or have an allergy.

    Examples of foods: artichokes, garlic and leeks, celery, chives, mushrooms and turnips.

    Beige, brown and white foods

    Foods of this color are rich in vitamin B, control anxiety, improve the functioning of the intestinal flora and help us to prevent cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

    Examples of foods: oats, nuts, beans, lentils, potatoes, turnips and cauliflower.

    Yellow and orange foods

    The colors in your food

    What gives the orange color to foods is beta-carotene and alpha, antioxidants that strengthen our immune system and help with the functioning of the airways. Yellowing is a consequence of beta-carotene, a nutrient that protects us from the most varied types of cancer.

    Great for the skin and hair, some foods of this color are rich in vitamin B3 and protect the heart, keeping our nervous system healthy.

    Examples of foods: carrots, pumpkin, peach, tangerine, pineapple, potato, cashew, ginger, orange, papaya, mango, passion fruit, tangerine, melon.

    Purple and red foods

    Anthocyanin, which gives foods their purplish color, is an antioxidant and helps prevent blood clots. In addition to preventing heart problems, the substance is rich in vitamin B1, improving brain activity, helping with disposition and delaying aging.

    Examples of foods: beets, eggplant, raspberries, grapes, red cabbage, blackberries, black olives, raspberries, açaí.

    red foods

    The colors in your food

    A great antioxidant thanks to lycopene, a substance that gives it a reddish color and prevents diseases such as prostate and breast cancer, as well as fighting cholesterol, premature aging and cardiovascular diseases.

    Examples of foods: guava, watermelon, acerola, strawberry, pepper and tomato.


    Yellow and green foods

    Lutein and zeaxanthin are responsible for the yellow pigment and are beneficial for the eyes. They fight infections, reduce the risk of cataracts and strengthen the immune system.  

    Examples of foods: peas, mustard, kale, lettuce, avocado, bananas and spinach.


    green foods

    The colors in your food

    Foods that detoxify cells, contributing to the health of hair, skin and bones. Rich in calcium, iron and phosphorus, they also contain vitamins A, C and E.

    Examples of foods: broccoli, cauliflower and brussels, cabbage and watercress.

    As you can see, it is possible to assemble several colorful dishes with the foods highlighted above. A colorful diet goes far beyond beautiful food, it helps to find nutrients that our body needs to survive.

    A colorful menu is indispensable for anyone who wants to take care of their health.

    Text written by Juliane Rodrigues from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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