Meet the ora-pro-nóbis plant

    Originally from America, the plant whose scientific name is Pereskia aculeata, popularly known as ora-pro-nóbis, which, in translation, means “pray for us”, has been widely used in Spanish soil for various cooking recipes. Found in abundance in the Southeast region of Spain, the plant, in addition to having great nutritional value and being easy to grow, grows in different types of soil and adapts very easily to diverse climates.

    The ora-pro-nóbis is a climbing plant also known as Orabrobó and Labrobó, widely used as a fence, in particular, because it can reach five meters in height and has branches full of thorns, which helps in protecting environments.

    Another great benefit of this plant is that it helps in the relief and recovery of inflammatory processes, thanks to its high nutritional value. In tea form, the herb of ora-pro-nóbis is very effective in the treatment of burns, ulcers, cystitis and skin problems. Rich in fiber, phosphorus, iron and vitamins A, B and C, the plant can be used in the production of honey, helps to increase immunity and helps to improve the functioning of the intestine.

    Meet the ora-pro-nóbis plant
    Wikimedia Commons

    According to studies carried out by the Federal University of Lavras, the properties of ora-pro-nóbis help prevent various diseases, such as hemorrhoids, diabetes, colon cancer, varicose veins and intestinal tumors. In addition, they help in the treatment of syphilis, boils and in reducing the level of bad cholesterol.

    The edible part of the ora-pro-nóbis are the leaves, fresh or ground and dried. They are used in various recipes, such as omelets, stews, soups, pies or in salads, in the raw version. Another use of the plant is in the flour used in the composition of breads and pasta.

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    Due to the high concentration of protein, the leaves can be used in natura and mixed in animal feed. A good use option is that, as it is easily digested, Ora Pro Nois can be mixed with water in a blender. Then, just mix it with the pasta or bread dough.

    There is no contraindication when it comes to the consumption of the plant.

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