Learn how to make sweet potatoes in a revolutionary way

Sweet potatoes are on the list of healthy carbohydrates that we can and should consume without fear. It is a natural source of energy and is perfect for anyone who likes to exercise and gain muscle. But it's not just for fitness enthusiasts that sweet potatoes bring benefits. The tuber is a rich source of calcium, fiber and potassium that helps balance health, as well as helping to maintain a beautiful and healthy body! Check out some of the many benefits of this delight.

A source of vitamins A and C

A cup of boiled sweet potatoes provides almost 50% of the daily amount of vitamin C! And not only that, the same amount provides 400% of the daily intake recommended by doctors and nutritionists of vitamin A. In case you didn't know, both vitamin A and vitamin C are essential to support immune function, that is, help prevent viruses like the flu, for example. What's more, these vitamins work for healthier skin, vision, and support organ function.

Sweet potatoes are rich in antioxidants

As we said, these vitamins help to make the skin more beautiful and healthy, so they also have the function of delaying aging, especially purple potatoes, as the pigment that gives this color has potent properties for this function. That is, in addition to delicious, it is an ally of youth!

Anti-inflammatory functions, fiber intake and strong bones

The anti-inflammatory compounds that sweet potatoes contain control inflammation. With this, they decrease the risk of chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease and even cancer! But that's not all: sweet potatoes are also a powerful source of calcium!

This food contains good doses of vitamin D, responsible for the maintenance of calcium, that is, it provides bone health, helping with muscle.

The tuber also has a high fiber content. The consumption of fiber is highly recommended for the relief of symptoms of those who suffer from constipation or irregularity.

Learn how to make sweet potatoes in a revolutionary way
Masako Arndt / Pixabay

Believe me, sweet potatoes help you lose weight!

A diet ally, sweet potato has about 12% of so-called resistant starch, a fiber-like substance that your body doesn't digest and absorb. Studies show that if we replace part of our carbohydrate intake with this resistant starch, we will have a 20-30% increase in fat burning after meals. Another fantastic advantage is that this starch contained in sweet potatoes stimulates the body to produce satiety hormones!

Now that you know some of the many benefits that sweet potato provides us with, how about starting to add it to your recipes? In addition to being cheap, it's very easy to use, and you can eat this potato with or without the skin, baked, boiled, fried… Whatever your creativity dictates! It combines with various seasonings and has a natural sweet flavor, allowing you to create delicious, sweet or savory recipes that will enhance your menu!

Check out some sweet potato recipes with vegan and vegetarian options:

Learn how to make sweet potatoes in a revolutionary way
Bernadette Wurzinger/Pixabay

Sweet potato stuffed with chickpeas


• 2 medium sweet potatoes;

• 400 g of cooked chickpeas;

• Tomato sauce (preferably natural);

• 1 onion;

• 2 garlic cloves;

• 2 cm of fresh ginger;

• 1 teaspoon of paprika;

• Whole sea salt;

• Black pepper;

• A drizzle of olive oil.

How to:

Preheat the oven to 200º;

Wash the potatoes well and pierce them with a fork;

Bake for about 40 minutes.

For the sauce:

In a pan, heat a little oil, add the onions and sauté until translucent. Add the garlic, grated ginger and paprika and cook for a few more minutes, stirring occasionally. Then add the crushed tomato. Season with salt and pepper, let it boil and then add the chickpeas. Allow to simmer for 20 to 25 minutes.

To serve, make a cut along the potatoes and fill with the sauce.

Sweet potato cheese bread

Learn how to make sweet potatoes in a revolutionary way
Craveiro6 / Pixabay

• 1 cup of sweet flour;

• 1 cup of sour starch;

• 1 cup of grated cheese to your taste;

• 1/4 cup of water;

• 1/4 cup of canola (or other) oil;

• 1 and a half cups of sweet potatoes.


1. Cook the potato and mash it with a fork;

2. In a container, mix the sweet potato with all the recipe ingredients and mix with your hands;

3. You will get a great dough to shape the loaves ─ which will rise very little;

4. Grease a mold with a thread of oil and arrange the balls more or less apart;

5. Take it to the preheated oven and bake for 30 minutes at 180°C;

Keep an eye out for more than 25 minutes; depending on the oven, they can brown faster.

Creamy Chicken Escondidinho with Sweet Potato

Learn how to make sweet potatoes in a revolutionary way
RitaE / Pixabay

You will need:

1 kg of peeled sweet potato;

1 tablespoon of turmeric;

2 tablespoons of light margarine;

1 cup of skimmed milk;

½ grated onion;

2 tablespoons of ricotta cream;

½ teaspoon of salt;

½ teaspoon of pepper;

¼ teaspoon of nutmeg.

Creamy chicken

2 tablespoons of olive oil;

½ chopped onion;

600 g of cooked and shredded chicken;

½ teaspoon of hot paprika;

2 tablespoons of parsley;

3 spoons of light curd;

Salt and pepper to taste;

stuffing and topping

300g cubed white cheese;



1. Preheat the oven to 180ºC.

2. In a pan with water, put the sweet potatoes and turmeric to cook. Prick with a fork to see if they are cooked.

3. Drain the cooking water and mash with a masher or fork.

4. Add the grated onion, light margarine, skimmed milk, salt, pepper, nutmeg and mix until smooth.

5. Add the ricotta cream and mix until it doesn't stick to the bottom of the pan. Reserve.

6. In a pan, place the oil, onion and sauté.

7. Add chicken, paprika, salt and pepper and sauté.

8. Add the light curd cheese, parsley and mix until creamy.

9. On a baking sheet, make a layer of mashed sweet potato, the creamy chicken, a layer of cubed white cheese, another layer of mashed sweet potato and finish with more cubes of white cheese and chopped parsley.

10. Place in the oven for 30 minutes and then serve.

sweet potato brigadeiro

Learn how to make sweet potatoes in a revolutionary way
Rodrigo Azevedo Frazão Rodrigokvera / Pixabay

• 1 cup and a half of boiled and mashed sweet potato tea;

• 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder;

• 1/3 cup of brown sugar tea;

• 1 dessert spoon of coconut oil;

• Granulated chocolate.

Mix all the ingredients in a pan and take it to the medium fire until the mixture detaches from the pan. Place on a plate and let cool. Then put it in the fridge before rolling it up and passing it on the sprinkles.

sweet potato pancakes

Learn how to make sweet potatoes in a revolutionary way
Katarzyna Dziemidowicz / Pixabay

• 1 boiled sweet potato;

• 2 whole eggs;

• Lower leg.

How to:

In a bowl, mix the cooked and mashed sweet potato and the eggs until you get a homogeneous mass. To give it a taste, sprinkle a little cinnamon. Now, place a ladle of the mixture in a non-stick skillet greased with butter and heat for about 3 minutes on each side over medium heat. When they are golden, they are ready.

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Tell me if it didn't even make your mouth water? Don't forget to include sweet potatoes on your list on your next trip to the supermarket or market! Try these wonderful recipes, create different ones and then just prepare for the benefits!

Bon appetit!

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