Human slavery vs animal slavery

    In the following text, we will talk about similar situations with victims and different times. I advise a reflection with an open mind and heart for new change and evolution.

    When we went to school, we learned about slave ships. In them, people, slaves at the time, were transported and traded as if they were mere objects. In the course of history and time we evolved, and we saw how cruel and unnecessary this practice was, as everyone has the same right to dignity, life and respect, regardless of race, creed or any other stereotype.

    Today, we make the same mistake with animals. We enslaved, tortured and sold them as mere commodities. Compared to this historic act, thousands of animals are transported in even more precarious conditions, as they have very little space between them, closed in truck cages, receiving minimal food and rarely water.

    Human slavery vs animal slaveryMany cages are completely closed, with little air passage, others have the top open, however, leaving these animals exposed to the scorching sun or rain. In the cages where they remain, they urinate and defecate, they do not have the minimum of hygienic conditions and, thus, they are taken to the slaughterhouse. Many die along the way due to these precarious conditions.

    Thousands arrive at their destination: death, under these conditions; thousands more after this long tortuous journey are still transported on ships in even more precarious conditions. We can currently monitor the large transport of cattle to the Port of Santos, where they will be shipped alive to be slaughtered in Turkey.

    In the XNUMXst century generation, which is flooded by the values ​​of a developed and up-to-date society, it is unethical to live with these attitudes, much less to be conniving with this situation. May our choices be fairer, and may we preach love, respect and ethics to all beings on the planet.

    “Today you showed the world my reality, I am no longer invisible. (...)

    Maybe you can't do anything for me anymore, but you'll do it for everyone else who will come.

    I ask you not to surrender, to continue defending us and to raise your voice for us.

    I encourage you, so that you never lack strength, because we need you!

    You are my hope and that of a better future.”


    "An animal's eyes have the power to speak a great language."

    (Martin Buber)

    Understand this language...

    Below is the link to two petitions, in which we count on your collaboration, and a video reporting the current moment:

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