Healthy Recipe: Lentil Burger

    A food that is delicious and is very good for health is lentils. It can be prepared both as a salad, cooked to accompany rice, among other varieties, even as a hamburger. If you haven't tried it yet, it's time to try it.

    In its composition, the lentil has carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins B6, B9, C, K and E, manganese, iron, phosphorus, copper, potassium, magnesium, zinc, selenium and calcium. But what does all this mean?

    Healthy Recipe: Lentil Burger

    It means that lentils bring a lot of benefits, check out what they are:

    - As it is rich in fiber, it helps in weight loss. Lentil helps to give that feeling of satiety and, in addition, contributes to the proper functioning of the digestive system.

    – Because it is rich in proteins, it is a good food for those who want to gain muscle. Bodybuilders or other sports practitioners can benefit from having lentils in their diet.

    – Because of potassium, magnesium and vitamins B6 and B9, it also helps to prevent problems in the cardiovascular system such as heart disease caused by high cholesterol.

    – Iron and folic acid are elements that help prevent anemia. In addition, other diseases such as diabetes and cancer can also be prevented by consuming these and other elements that make up lentils.

    Now that you have an idea of ​​how good this food is for your health, we have prepared a lentil burger recipe for you to try. See below:


    – 220 grams of cooked lentils

    - 960 ml of water

    – 1 clove of garlic

    – 120 grams of chopped onion

    – 120 grams of chopped parsley

    – 15 ml of olive oil

    – 50 grams of whole wheat flour

    – Assorted seasonings according to your taste

    How to:

    The first step is to cook the lentils in the pressure cooker. After "getting pressure", leave for another 15 minutes, then drain the lentil.

    In a bowl, mix the lentils with the other ingredients. You can add the seasoning to your liking. Salt and pepper are usually good in this recipe. If you like, some herbs can work well in the mix as well. Then, gradually, you must add the wheat flour until the mixture is at a good point for modeling.

    With oil in your hands, make hamburger-shaped portions of the mixture and leave it approximately 1,5 cm high. Take it to the freezer in a greased shape for an hour. Then just fry and enjoy this delicious and healthy dish!

    Bon appetit!

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