How to detoxify the body after the holidays?

Christmas and New Year's dinners are marked by exaggeration. Even if you know or promise to control yourself, you end up making a mistake… Sweets, fats and alcohol make the body produce toxins and the body becomes more acidic, so we feel heavy. Did you put your foot in the jackfruit? we teach how to detoxify the body after the holidays!

After-party detox water

Drinking 1,5 to 2 liters of water daily is law and cannot be missed in the post-party detox diet. Drinking 1 or 2 glasses while fasting expels all toxins and still “wakes up” the metabolism, making it work properly all day.

Another option on an empty stomach is to drink warm water with lemon and ginger zest. The combination helps the liver to eliminate toxins resulting from poor diet and alcohol.

Coconut water is also highly recommended, as it maintains a healthy metabolism and prevents fluid retention.

the power of teas

How to detoxify the body after the holidays?

Teas are also allies for detoxify the body after the holidays, as they help fight abdominal bloating. Green teas, hibiscus tea, peppermint, fennel, lemongrass, lemon balm, chamomile and apple-cinnamon tea are the best because they are diuretics. A good tip is to drink green or mint tea right after meals, so digestion is easier. The recommended dose is up to 1 liter per day, you can make a pitcher of tea and put it in the fridge.

Potassium is hydration

Invest in foods rich in potassium New Year's Detox Diet.  The mineral restores lost hydration and helps fight water retention. Here's where to find potassium:

  • Banana;
  • Melon;
  • Plum;
  • Papaya;
  • Dry fruits;
  • Spinach
  • Almonds;
  • chestnuts.
Citrus fruits help the liver

Citrus fruits have their place in the new year detox diet, already have limonoid, a compound that helps the liver expel toxins. Lemon, orange, acerola, kiwi and cashew are good examples of citrus fruits, but pineapple works the most in favor of the liver. Consume in natura and also in the form of juices.

Vegetables cleanse the body

Vegetables are welcome in any diet, so they are not left out. post new year detox Bitter greens like arugula and watercress make the gallbladder and liver expel toxins and make digestion easier. Other vegetables that eliminate toxins are lettuce, chicory, cabbage, mustard leaves, cauliflower and cabbage, in fact, cabbage can be blended in a blender with water and consumed on an empty stomach for 20 days to boost detoxification.

Thermogenic foods always

How to detoxify the body after the holidays?

Thermogenic foods like ginger, red pepper and cinnamon also help detoxify the body after the new year and speed up metabolism. Learn how to include them in the diet:

  • Ginger: raw, to sautĂ© fish, poultry and meat, in juices and teas;
  • Red pepper: consume at lunch and a maximum of 3 grams per day;
  • Cinnamon: sprinkled on fruit and tea.
Lean meats

Lean meats are the last item on the list of healthy eating after the end of the year parties. Eat skinless chicken and fish that are grilled, baked or boiled.

put aside

Soft drinks, not even the diet, light and zero versions, due to their dyes. Coffee should also be avoided as it hinders the release of toxins. Alcoholic drinks, needless to say, right!?

Find new detox diet tips!

Text written by Sumaia de Santana Salgado from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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