See the health benefits of avocados

Avocado (Persea americana Mill) is a fruit native to Tropical America (Mexico, Guatemala and Antilles). Mexico is the biggest producer, but it is also produced in North America, Israel, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. Historians claim that the avocado appeared between 7 and 5 BC and that it arrived in Spain between the 16th and 17th centuries from French Guiana.

benefits for the soil

The NGO Fresh California Avocados reveals that the roots of the avocado tree have the power to stabilize the soil and prevent erosion.

Great concentration of nutrients

Avocados have a lot of protein (one half has 2 grams). The fruit is still rich in fiber, vitamins E (antioxidant that prevents aging), lutein (protects against cataracts and prostate cancer), potassium (mineral that protects muscles, bones and prevents stroke), in addition to vitamins A, B2, B6, B9, C, iron and magnesium.

See the health benefits of avocados

good fat

Many people don't eat avocados because it's fatty. In fact it is caloric, each 100 grams has 160 calories, however, it is rich in good fats such as omega 3 that strengthens the immune system, improves memory, reduces cholesterol levels and helps control blood pressure. The fruit is rich in vegetable fat and its consumption is as good as extra virgin olive oil.

friend two diabetics

The fruit is an ally of those who have type 1 diabetes, when there is little or no release of insulin, and 2, when sugar accumulates in the blood, according to research published by The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Avocados have a low glycemic index, which means that glucose takes time to enter the body. The fruit also helps with insulin resistance and protects against cardiovascular diseases, common in diabetics. But, attention: consume only 4 tablespoons a day and without sugar.

Other benefits
  • In pregnancy: rich in vitamin B9 (folic acid), avocados help prevent problems with the baby's nervous system and poor fetal spine closure;
  • On slimming diets: fibers give a feeling of satiety;
  • In bodybuilding: proteins restore muscles.
cosmetic product

Avocado is widely used to moisturize dry skin and hair. Check out some recipes:

Face mask


  • Pulp of half avocado;
  • A pot of plain yogurt.


Mix the pulp and yogurt until you get a homogeneous consistency.

How to use

Wash your face as usual. Apply the avocado and yogurt paste to the skin, leave it on for 20 minutes and rinse with water.


Body moisturizer


an avocado


Knead the pulp until it becomes like a cream.

How to use

Apply to legs, knees, elbows and arms. Let it act for 10 minutes and remove with warm water.

avocado hair mask


  • ½ ripe avocado;
  • 1 yolk;
  • 2 tablespoons of honey.


Mix the ingredients well until you get a cream consistency.

How to use

Apply the mixture to the hair, massage and cover the strands with a foil cap. Let it act for 30 minutes and rinse. Use every 10 days.

Tip: Boost hydration by adding avocado, macadamia or argan oil. Heat the mixture in the microwave for 10 seconds.

How to choose?

A good avocado is heavy and firm. You know it's ripe when the shell gives way with light finger pressure.

Avocado is a powerful fruit. Did you know all its benefits? Do you know if fruit is good for other things? Have recipes? Share with us.

Text written by Sumaia de Santana Salgado from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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