What does excess fat mean?

Did you know that 51% of the Spanish population over 18 years old is overweight? This is what the Ministry of Health points out.

The fat you ingest is interpreted by the body as a source of energy, that is, fat is a form of fuel for our body. The more our body goes into activity, the more fat is burned.

The big problem is that, most of the time, we consume more fat than the body can burn, thus generating excess weight. When this happens, it's like our body thinks, “Hey, I don't need all that energy right now. Better save it, I'll need it later, right?”.

What many people don't know is where the fat burned by our body goes. The truth is that no matter disappears, it simply changes state.

When an amount of fat is burned, it undergoes a process within so-called fat cells that transform it, for example, into water. And then, the individual expels it from the body through urine and/or sweat.

What does excess fat mean?
KetutSubiyanto / Pexels

Cristina Cairo states in her book that excess fat in our body can be a form of protection against external problems and more sensitive people tend to suffer from this evil.

Fat by Cristina Cairo

Fat is the cocoon that a person unconsciously creates to protect himself and hide from external problems.

Very sensitive people, who are easily hurt, seek to protect themselves behind the fat, which represents the softness of a hug.

Fat is often a convenient way to achieve certain benefits, such as attracting compassion from other people, stopping working on what you don't like, escaping certain obligations that limit your freedom, and even testing your partner's love and faithfulness. spouse. Once again we see that the danger is in our minds, not in the world we live in, nor in the food we eat.

What does excess fat mean?
NathanCowley / Pexels

Make a "regime" in your thoughts and clean all that bitterness. Live peacefully and without feeling threatened. Love everyone deeply and you will find that in response you will receive more love from others. Get out of this cocoon and actively participate in the world, with an open heart and believing that you are being protected by the hands of the Great Father.

Stop holding grudges and resentments. No more arguing with people for free, because each one of them fights for their reasons and you can get hurt. Just act with docility and power and don't let differences in life and opinions trouble you.

Attention: the more you “swallow” and hold grudges, the more your body will get fat.

What does excess fat mean?
VincenzoGiove / Pexels

For you to definitively overcome this difficulty in losing weight, you will have to understand that every expectation generates frustration. So don't wait for what you want to happen, nor do you want people to be like you or give you what you want so much. Get out of that victim posture now and realize the size of your own power. No one is responsible for your weaknesses or failures. Everything depends exclusively on your attitude towards life and events. Start acting like an adult and show your true interests to those who are important to you. Have the courage to change your behavior and be yourself. If you are not finding in your memory any record at least similar to what I am saying, it is certainly because your subconscious has embraced very tightly some old hurt and continues to protect it, because for it there is no "time". Take it easy because with him (the subconscious) we must act carefree and send positive and constant messages, until he realizes that the defenses against the past are useless.

The messages you can send to your subconscious are thoughts and behaviors that are contrary to what you are experiencing today. The important thing is to get out of this vicious circle that is still imprinted in your unconscious mind.

What does excess fat mean?
JuliaLarson / Pexels

Play a sport or exercise. Make your thoughts more active and put your decisions into practice. The world is waiting for you to act on it. Turn that fat into energy, shaking off the dust of the past and looking forward. Fast!

At first everything may seem difficult, but later you will love the new habits and your new personality.

Come on, wake up! Get organized! It's all up to you!

  • Discover 14 ways to be healthier through food
  • 4 foods that will help you burn fat
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  • Uncover the reasons behind belly fat

Enough of making excuses because this just goes to prove that you are really having a convenience in being fat. Pursue what you want, without harming your health and beauty. And definitely try to understand that when we get hurt by something it's because we're being selfish in wanting everything to go our way. Free yourself from this tendency and accept people for who they are. Be yourself and don't allow yourself negative thoughts. Raise yourself every day with good feelings about life and grow more and more within the spiritual evolution, without regrets, fears, or distrust. The closer you get to God, the more confident and happy you will feel. Otherwise, you will be further and further away from Him.

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