What are the benefits of being a vegetarian?

Everything in life has a positive and a negative side. Our choices will always generate positive and negative consequences, no matter how good our intentions are in making a certain decision. Just as the above is a fact, it is also accurate to say that certain subjects, such as vegetarianism, cause controversy whenever they are on the agenda.

In addition, there are many myths and doubts about this way of eating and seeing the world. So, in this article, you can read, below, eight advantages of being a vegetarian. Shall we, once and for all, dot the i's?

Advantage #1: Reduced consumption of saturated fats

There are some types of fats present in food and which, consequently, are present in our body. Among them, there is saturated fat, which when consumed in excess, can cause several health risks. Among the existing types of saturated fat, one of the most dangerous for our body is palmitic fat, found in meat fat.

Well then. Once meat consumption has been cut back, as in the case of vegetarians, it's one less source of danger to worry about! It is worth making it clear that, in any case, meats are sources of protein and other important nutrients for the body.

Advantage #2: Lower risk of getting cardiovascular disease

Against facts there are no arguments. There are several scientific studies that prove that the excessive consumption of meat (especially red meat) increases - and a lot - the risk of contracting cardiovascular diseases. A person with a diet that is more focused on the consumption of vegetables, legumes, fruits and vegetables will be much less exposed to heart disease.

Advantage #3: Cancer? Not over here!

Meat has substances harmful to the body, which greatly increase the chances of contracting various types of cancer - hormones, pesticides and other carcinogenic substances that, those who do not eat meat, will be free to consume them.

However, it is worth remembering that the list of pesticides used in fruits is really long, so that they have a longer life, are bigger and more beautiful. Therefore, it is important that even vegetarians prefer fresh and organic foods.

What are the benefits of being a vegetarian?

Advantage #4: Fiber and more fiber!

The vegetarian diet is one of the ones that most promotes the consumption of fiber, present in many leaves, seeds and grains. So, by joining vegetarianism, you can practically say goodbye to constipation and other bowel problems.

And that's not all! Meat is the slowest digesting food group, unlike fruits and vegetables, which are light and nutritious for the body and are easily digested. Colic from constipation? Vegetarians don't!

Advantage #5: Economy

It's practically unfair to compare the price of a kilogram of meat with a kilogram of any vegetable, isn't it? With R$20,00, a vegetarian can buy several types of vegetables. With the same R$20,00, a carnivore doesn't have as many meat options available.

Of course, food prices vary according to the region in question, as well as the country's economic situation. It is also important to say that this comparison is valid when using vegetables as an example. Many fruits, however, have high prices that, depending on the situation, have the price per kilogram equivalent to some more popular meats.

Advantage #6: Perfect hair, nails and skin!

Increasing the consumption of vegetables and fruits is synonymous with increasing the consumption of vitamins and minerals that, in turn, treat, moisturize and fortify the skin, hair and nails.

Advantage #7: Bye, bye, bad cholesterol!

There are two types of cholesterol present in our body: the good, called HDL, and the bad. Bad cholesterol, called LDL, comes from foods of animal origin. So, not consuming meat, for sure, will decrease the bad cholesterol index, right? Yes, but it doesn't stop there. As a rule, vegetarians consume fruits, vegetables, vegetables… And what else? Oilseeds, which help increase the level of good cholesterol, and soy, which has isoflavone, a phytonutrient that helps to lower LDL levels even more.

Advantage #8: Unnecessary deaths

There are different opinions about whether or not to eat animals, however, regardless of your opinion on this subject, one thing is a fact: there are thousands of slaughterhouses that are extremely cruel to animals.

They spend their lives in cages, they can barely move, and even death, which could be quick and painless, is excruciating in many cases.

Written by Giovanna Frugis from the Eu Sem Fronteiras team

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