Balance the XNUMXnd Chakra to Empower Your Creativity

    If you have parachuted here and have no idea what chakras are, I advise you to read the previous article first, in which I explain what they are and gather some important information about the first of them: the Basic or Root Chakra. Also, at the end of this last article, there is a link to a meditation guided by me, which will help you balance your first chakra and, consequently, have more stability in your life.

    Now, if you've read the previous article and already know what chakras are, let's go a little further.

    As I said before (and it doesn't hurt to reinforce), there are several lines of knowledge that study the chakras and that, for this very reason, there may be divergences of information out there. The ones I bring to you in this and other articles are the result of my own research carried out over the years, crossing and gathering different sources of information. So I recommend that you do your own research to understand what makes the most sense to you, okay? My truth is not absolute… far from it!

    In this article, we will continue our journey through the chakras and get in touch with the energy of the second of them: the Sexual Chakra or Sacral Chakra. In Sanskrit it is called Svadhisthana chakra. This energy center is located in the lower abdomen for both men and women, about three fingers below the navel. It is represented by the color orange and, when balanced, is responsible for our connection and ability to accept the other and new experiences, for our creativity, sensuality, expression of our feelings, relationship with the other, joy, adaptability, fertility, pleasure, sexuality, sense of abundance and well-being, among many other aspects of our life. In addition, it is responsible for the proper functioning, mainly, of our urinary system, kidneys, spleen, gonads, immune system, reproductive organs and sexual glands.

    Balance the XNUMXnd Chakra to Empower Your Creativity
    Aziz Acharki / Unsplash

    When out of balance, it can affect the genitals, cause sexual or fertility problems, hip or sacral joint problems, muscle spasms, cramps, cramps, hormonal imbalances, menstrual disorders, dehydration, stiffness and isolation. In short, it is the center that most connects us with emotional issues and matters related to our intimacy. Therefore, the element connected to this chakra is the water element.

    If you can identify in yourself any of these challenges mentioned above, maybe it's the right time for you to pay special attention to this chakra and start balancing and harmonizing it. There are countless ways to do this, but the one that brings you here is meditation.

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    Next, I propose that we do a meditation together that, although very brief, I'm sure will bring many benefits to your life right away, if you do it with dedication. We will use the power of orange visualization and the bija mantra VAM to work our right to FEEL through Svadhisthana chakra. You can do it as many times as you want, over several days, or just once – feel in your heart what's best for you, okay? If you prefer, you can also mentalize, whenever you feel like it, the affirmation “I am creative and adaptable”.

    Ready? Shall we meditate? Namaste!

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