watermelon peel candy

Almost everyone likes watermelon. Sweet, juicy and refreshing, the fruit also pleases children. Despite being low in calories (about 30 calories per 100g), watermelon is an extremely nutritious fruit. It is rich in fiber, vitamins (A, C and B complex), lycopene, beta-carotene and minerals such as iron, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. It's so good that you can even enjoy the shell in the form of a super tasty candy, full of affective memory.
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We have separated three recipes – a traditional one, a more “natureba” one, for those who do not consume refined foods, and a sugar-free one for those who suffer from diabetes. After all, no one deserves to feel like it. The ideal would be to use organic fruit, as the skin is the part most affected by the application of pesticides. In any case, whether it's the organic version or not, remember to wash the peel well before preparing it and use only the white part.

The ingredients are basically the same, just the type of sweetener that is changed. Clove and cinnamon are typical seasonings. In addition to the incredible taste and aroma, these spices – which seem to have been created for each other – are rich in vitamins and minerals, have antimicrobial and antioxidant properties, as well as thermogenic function, helping to speed up metabolism.

watermelon peel candy

Traditional watermelon rind jam


  • 800g of granulated sugar;
  • 1 cup (tea) of water;
  • 8 cloves;
  • 2 pieces of cinnamon;
  • 1,5kg watermelon rind (remove the green part, leaving only the white part) in cubes.


First bring the sugar, water, cloves and cinnamon to the fire and let it boil until it forms a syrup (on average 20 minutes). Add the watermelon rind and continue cooking until it is clear and the rinds are translucent. Allow to cool and transfer to a bowl. Serves 12 to 14 servings

watermelon peel candy

More natural watermelon rind jam

Repeat the recipe above, but replace the granulated sugar with demerara or brown sugar (in the proportion that suits your taste). Demerara sugar has the same form as crystal sugar, but it is more nutritious and less processed than refined sugar, while still retaining some nutrients (such as calcium, iron, magnesium and vitamins B3, B5 and B6). The darker, the more nutritious.

But attention: it is not less caloric than white sugar. Brown sugar, on the other hand, is the most raw of all sugars, as it does not undergo refinement, hence its darker color (between brown and golden). This allows it to hold even more vitamins and minerals.

It may not be so palatable, as it has a more striking flavor, very close to molasses or brown sugar. For those who like it, however, it's an extra flavor in sweets.

watermelon peel candy

Watermelon Peel Candy with Sweetener

This is the alternative for those who have diabetes or do not want to eat sugar.

The recipe is the same as described above, only the sugar is replaced by powdered sweetener (preferably for culinary use), in an amount that sweetens properly. Opt for sucralose, a synthetic sweetener made from sugar cane, whose aftertaste is less bitter than the others (just be aware, because sucralose has a much higher sweetening capacity than sucrose, so don't overdo it). And remember: artificial sweeteners are not completely safe for your health.

If you want a natural sweetener, choose Stevia. Stevia is obtained from the Stevia rebaudiana bertoni plant, can be consumed by diabetics and remains stable at high temperatures. It also has some interesting properties: it favors weight loss, as it is low in calories; can help control and reduce blood sugar levels (diabetics, enjoy!) and can help increase good cholesterol (HDL), thus decreasing the risk of cardiovascular problems.

watermelon peel candy

Stevia also has a high sweetening capacity: 1 gram equals 200/300 grams of sugar. Stevia, however, can cause some side effects (such as nausea or allergies) and has some contraindications (children, pregnant women and hypertensive patients only use it with medical advice; people with kidney disease must undergo medical supervision and control before use). .

No waste

In addition to enjoying a sweet with a childhood taste, you still learn to enjoy all the parts of the fruit, especially the less “popular” ones. Many people are unaware that most vegetables can be eaten in their entirety; those parts are quite nutritious too. In addition to tasting new flavors and having new gastronomic experiences, you contribute to avoiding food waste, as well as helping to reduce the amount of garbage, even if organic. Take the opportunity to taste with pleasure and awareness!

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