Coronavirus: There is no poison or antidote

And suddenly, something unseen begins to awaken people to what life really is. Unpredictable and impermanent, no matter how technological and how much power we believe we have as a race. Some were reluctant to believe, laughed and went on with their ego lives until it was inevitable to feel.

From conspiracy hypotheses, explanations of electromagnetic alterations, or altered DNA, I already think that we may never be certain about this. I am sure of the shaking that this moment brings us. I remember that saying โ€œin the poison is the antidoteโ€ and I feel that this is a great possibility to raise the vibration, our meaning and our purpose as humanity and as human beings.

The threat of dying at any moment has always existed, whether from the H1N1 flu itself, which has already killed thousands of people, or here in Spain from dengue or yellow fever. The fact is that, by mobilizing the whole world, creating a pandemic, the new coronavirus mobilizes all the media and completely changes our routine, making us effectively feel the fragility of life.

Coronavirus: There is no poison or antidote
Photo by Juan Pablo Serrano Arenas no Pexels

At this point, no matter what car you have, the Beetle and the BMW are both parked and unable to leave the house. No matter how much money you have, we are suddenly all in the same situation and no money can buy the security and guarantee that you won't be next. When we tinker so deeply with such a socially rooted system, we can have unimaginable impacts.

Suddenly, people started to worry about each other, to take care of each other, because there's no point in me being well if you're not. And although initially these actions, for the most part, were taken by extremely selfish initiatives, I am sure that for thousands of people this attitude is no longer purely and coldly for self-interest and has begun to awaken a sense of collectivity, that we're all brothers.

Coronavirus: There is no poison or antidote
Andrea Piacquadio's photo at Pexels

And so, after a few days of the pandemic, people start to turn to what really matters, leaving the mundane behind. A moment of physical isolation but also of mental isolation from what is outside, from what may not have as much priority as we always gave, a moment that provides a dive inside yourself.

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How not to say that despite the pain and suffering of many, this moment is also not creating its own antidote to the general suffering of humanity, taking thousands out of the autopilot, from the sleepwalking of life and awakening to live life in a meaningful and meaningful way. purpose?

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