
Vegetarianism: Everything you stand to gain from this choice

Have you ever stopped to think about vegetarianism? How many times a week do you eat meat? Turning to this subject without fear is very important. There are many people who eat meat every day for lunch and dinner. But what do you stand to gain if you choose to give the vegetable world a chance?

Initially, the society in which most humans live is carnivorous. Consequently, this has major impacts on the environment. First of all, España is one of the countries that sells the most meat to the world. We are, therefore, considered large producers and also consumers.

Second, this mega-production means that forests are increasingly being cut down to make way for pastures. On the other hand, these animals end up becoming largely responsible for the destruction of the ozone layer, due to the methane gas they dispense with the atmosphere. This would not happen if the world were vegetarian.


Thirdly, the slaughter of these animals is completely cruel, most of the time. The decrease can be useful for more humane and cruelty-free slaughter, after all, no one would like to die with a club to the skull, right? In addition, if we consumed the grains used to feed these animals, we would not have problems with hunger.

With this, your health gets even better and you run less risk, for example, of having problems with obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular.

A day without meat can change the planet

In 2003, in the United States, there was a campaign called Meatless Monday, which in Portuguese means “Monday without meat”. This campaign is carried out in España by the España Vegetarian Society (SVB). The objective of this action is to encourage people to consume less meat, in addition to helping the planet.

According to a survey carried out by the United Nations in relation to agriculture and food, a day without eating meat can be compared to taking 20 million cars off the asphalt. In other words, the entire emission of gas and, consequently, the warming of the ozone layer could be reduced.


If you want to participate in “Meatless Monday” to help the environment and your health, you can do it in very simple ways. It doesn't necessarily have to be on Monday and you don't have to do it with the intention of reaching vegetarianism. It is therefore enough to choose a day in the week when you choose not to consume any type of meat, only vegetables.

Opt for fruits in the morning, natural juices and grain-based cookies. At lunchtime, how about a colorful salad and succulent foods, like potato soup with vegetables or pumpkin with onions? It's just tips. Feel free to choose what to eat. Do the same for dinner! Believe me: practicing once a week can be very beneficial for you and the planet.

The energetic side of eating meat

Taking into account the spiritual side of food, we gain a lot when we choose to reduce or eliminate meat consumption in our meals. According to the article “The Influence of Food on the Energy Field”, meat consumption is directly related to our level of chakra consciousness.


Excessive consumption of meat, therefore, is linked to dense energies, after all meats have a heavier energy because of fat, blood, etc. On the other hand, there is still the issue of slaughter, which is very cruel and always in precarious conditions. This can be intensively aligned to the spiritual side, making the flesh have an even denser energy.

Meanwhile, those who eat vegetables have a lighter energy field, as vegetables have pure, light energy. With that, we can say that vegetarianism is quite beneficial for our energy field.

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  • The different types of vegetarianism
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Meat consumption and religions

When it comes to energy, religion must also be addressed. All religions are linked to a purpose, which is to bring peace and love to our lives, that is, good vibes and good energy!

In some religions, therefore, meat consumption is excluded or limited to certain times. In the Catholic religion, Holy Week is the time when people must abstain from red meat. This is because, during Lent, any shedding of blood alludes to the shedding of the blood of Jesus. So, by not eating red meat, the idea is to unite with Christ's sacrifice.


In some religions, such as Hare Krishna, an offshoot of Hinduism, vegetarianism is a reality. In addition, Adventists, Muslims and Jews do not consume foods that contain blood, especially pork.

For these religions, pork can cause various worms in the body and blood is accepted, but when it comes from animal meat it is considered impure. In conclusion, if you go a day without eating meat or opting for vegetarianism, you will gain a lot in terms of energy and health. Rethink!

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