Vegetarian risotto

Risotto is a typical dish of Italian cuisine, which has become popular and is widely consumed in Spain as well. The main ingredient of the recipe is arborio rice, which, unlike common rice, is creamy, so it has a special preparation.

Although there are many options for risotto recipes, most of them usually have meat, chicken, fish or some other seafood. That's why we've separated some lacto-ovo-vegetarian risotto recipes, that is, they don't have egg or milk, but are tasty and easy to prepare.

Risotto can be made with numerous side dishes, so it can be rich in different nutrients, depending on the ingredients that accompany it. By itself, arboreal rice is part of the cereal group, important because it contains carbohydrate, one of the main nutrients that provide us with energy. This type of rice also has B vitamins, essential for the development of the body, and also zinc, which acts on the immune system.

The risotto recipes allow you to use your own creativity to make them with different complements and, of course, you can use some ideas from the vegetarian risotto recipes below.

tomato risotto

Think of a simple recipe, with everything you probably already have in your fridge and that is delicious! The accompaniment of the time is the tomato, rich in vitamin C, A and antioxidants, which help to prevent cataracts and fight cardiovascular diseases. There's no mistake with tomato risotto, especially if you've never made risotto. Trust me, start with this one.

Vegetarian risotto
PhotoMix_Company / Pexels


2 cups of arborio rice

3 tablespoons of olive oil

½ chopped medium onion

4 chopped skinless tomatoes

1 cup shredded cheese, diced

2 tablespoons butter

Parsley, cilantro or chives to taste

Salt to taste


In a large pan, sauté onion in oil until translucent. Add the tomato, rice and salt. Sauté for a few minutes just to mix the ingredients. Gradually add water over medium heat until the rice is “al dente”, then add the butter and cheese, mixing with a fork, and it is ready to serve.

Broccoli Risotto with Cheese

If you like broccoli, you know it's hard for it not to go with something, but risotto is even more perfect. It is rich in calcium, proteins, helps in weight loss and prevents cardiovascular diseases. Minas cheese is also a darling, giving a light and creamy flavor to the recipe. Learn how to make broccoli risotto with Minas cheese below.

Vegetarian risotto
Buenosia Carol / Pexels


2 cups of arborio rice

3 tablespoons of olive oil

½ chopped medium onion

½ cup of dry white wine tea

200g of broccoli

2 tablespoons butter

1 cup of semi-cured cheese, diced

4 tablespoons of grated parmesan

½ cup fresh cream

Salt and black pepper to taste


Start by sautéing the onion in half the butter until soft. Add the rice and sauté it for a few minutes. Then add the white wine. Wait for it to dry on high heat and add water little by little. When almost halfway through cooking, add the broccoli and continue cooking. When it's almost ready, add the sliced ​​cheese and the cream. Cook until the cheese starts to melt. After that, remove and put the Parmesan. Add salt, pepper and you're done.

Risoto de shitake

If you haven't added mushrooms like shiitake mushrooms to your diet yet, you don't know what you're missing. He is very important nutritionally, contains 9 amino acids that helps the proper functioning of the body, improves immunity, as well as being rich in calcium, potassium and fibers. Learn how to make a delicious vegetarian risotto with shitake below:

Vegetarian risotto
Niek Verlaan / Pixabay


2 cups of arborio rice

3 tablespoons of olive oil;

½ chopped medium onion

1 package shitake mushrooms (washed and cut into slices)

3 vegetable bouillon cubes

½ cup of gorgonzola cheese

2 tablespoons of grated parmesan cheese

2 tablespoons butter

1 small glass of white wine

Parsley, cilantro or chives to taste

Salt to taste

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Start by preparing the vegetable broth with 1 liter and ½ of boiling water. Leave on low heat while you prepare the rice. Fry the onion in oil. As soon as it starts to brown, place the mushroom on top and sauté a little. Then place the cup of unwashed rice. Saute and pour the white wine on top. Wait for it to dry, then start adding the vegetable broth little by little, until it is “al dente”. Finally, just put the cheeses, the rest of the butter and mix.

Whether to eat alone or with a friend, to warm up in the winter or to enjoy yourself in the summer, vegetarian risotto is simple to make on a daily basis, a great recipe for those who are vegetarian (or not) and want to get out of the routine. Enjoy these recipes and make yours soon. In less than an hour you can satisfy your hunger and satisfy your taste buds.

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