Resilience: our ability to survive and reinvent

    feminine noun

    1. PHYSICS
    Property that some bodies have of returning to their original shape after being subjected to elastic deformation.

    Ability to easily recover or adapt to bad luck or change.

    ⊙ ETIM ing. Resilience, 'elasticity'

    The meaning of the dictionary already tells us everything: to be resilient, to be moldable to vicissitudes, to be able to “go to the bottom” and submerge, to be able to suffer and recover. How much do we need this competence?! Current times submit us to several tests of strength, don't they? But how can we acquire resilience in everyday life?

    Being resilient doesn't mean being foolish. We cannot, when they hurt us, allow continuous humiliation. We need to set limits to those who tend to hurt us. We are peaceful, we are intelligent, we are charitable and we forgive, but we will not be fragile to the point that, subsequently, our feelings are ignored. This is emotional intelligence and self-preservation. Our “I” comes first. The most important person in your life is yourself! Don't let them destroy you.

    Resilience: our ability to survive and reinvent
    Monica Silvestre / Canva

    This also doesn't mean that for every hurt you should fight back. The resilience is there: you may even be tormented, but you will not respond in kind. Because this is wrong, you know? The Universe, God, whatever you call it, knows that you have suffered and that someone has wronged you. OK, patience, let's move on! You will be comforted and you will overcome. Fighting back will only make you like the one who offended you. And that's not cool.

    Another point: Anguish is part of it! Life is not easy, it's daily lessons. We grieve, we learn, we laugh and are happy, too. So, as our grandmothers used to say, every day, your evil is enough. Don't fret! Don't suffer too much! Cry when you need to cry, ask for a lap, but breathe, then lift your head and, "Borá lá!". The most genuine resilience will be there… In feeling, but continuing. Feelings need to be “felt”. But crying and letting yourself sink into your puddle of tears will only take you down, and we always want to go high, ahead.

    • Are you a resilient person?
    • Resilience: the ability to renew yourself
    • 8 Mental and Emotional Benefits You'll Get From Developing Resilience
    • Discover how resilience helps you live better
    • Build your resilience by following our advice
    • 10 tips to increase your resilience

    Thus, being resilient is finding, each day, a reason to smile. Sounded like a cliché, didn't it? But it is pure reality. There is no victory without overcoming obstacles. Those who try may succeed, those who haven't tried have already lost their chance... Adapting to difficult situations, like the water in the river, which bypasses barriers, is the great answer. Being, like bamboo, resistant, bending, without breaking, can be our maxim. Free from sufferings, our life will not be; let's make the good times and the bad, our best moments, our light life, of learning

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