Use Taioba at Easter

Hi, I'm Gabi Cezar, I'm a phytotherapist, aromatherapist, I work with Bach and Saint Germain flower therapy and today I work a lot with phytoenergy.

Today the article was not only full of information, it was filled with delicious recipes for you who are vegetarian and who will take advantage of Easter to show your culinary skills to the whole family, since on Good Friday no one can eat meat, no and even?

First of all, I will briefly tell you the moment in my life when I turned or became a vegetarian. Maybe you who are there can identify. 5 years ago I had a very strong panic attack, which I am still grateful for today, because I say it was my awakening. I'm still not 100% cured; but compared to what happened to me that September 18th, I'm doing wonderfully well, thanks to my herbs!

The point is that, from that day on, I could no longer eat or look at meat of any kind (beef, poultry, fish). Over time, I can now eat eggs and fish, and when I really need protein, I even try chicken, depending on the smell.

But what intrigued me the most was that my neurologist told me that many of his patients have this same “symptom”: they become vegetarians when they have a very strong panic attack. Anyway, that's a matter for discussion for another day.

Returning to Easter, I want to share with you a recipe for a wonderful leaf. She is full of medicinal and energetic benefits, as well as beautiful and very elegant, when she reaches her adult size.

So let's start talking about her.


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Xanthosoma sagittifolium

MEDICINAL BENEFITS: rich in nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium and phosphorus.

Rich in antioxidants, it helps prevent premature aging of the tissues of our body, leaving the skin, hair and nails always beautiful and healthy. In addition, it fights free radicals, preventing cancer, and increases the body's immunity, fighting colds and flu. It also prevents cardiovascular diseases such as arteriosclerosis.

It is rich in iron and therefore fights anemia. Because it has a lot of calcium, it makes our bones strong and fights osteoporosis.

Use Taioba at Easter
Ryutaro Tsukata / Pexels

It is friendly to our eyes, as it prevents diseases that degenerate vision, such as cataracts and night blindness.

As it is rich in fiber, it helps in constipation problems and in good digestion, in better intestinal transit.

It is an excellent remedy for scarring.

PHYTOENERGY BENEFITS: people who feel sick can put a taioba leaf in their room as the good vibration of taioba can help. By mentalizing or meditating with this leaf, its energy field brings us the high vibration we need to help the body react, improve our mood and restore our confidence.

CUISINE: This leaf is widely used in Minas Gerais cuisine, both in stir-fries and in salads, pies, dumplings and any other recipe in which leaves such as cabbage are used, they can be used from leaves to stalk and even potatoes.

FORMS OF USE: food, mentalization, juice, detox juice with orange, poultice.

CONTRAINDICATIONS: because it contains oxalic acid, it should never be consumed raw. In addition, due to its high calcium content, it should not be consumed much by people with kidney stone problems.

Use Taioba at Easter
Ksenia Chernaya / Pexels

Did you like it? Even better is knowing that it is possible to have all these benefits at your disposal; and, even better, at your table.

So I decided to share a recipe that I love, to accompany a fish or as a tomato filling, or however you want, for your supper this Easter.

The recipe is the taioba farofa with banana peel.

Taioba farofa recipe

On request, follow the recipe for manioc flour with banana peel. In addition to bringing all the benefits of taioba and banana peel, it is delicious and goes as an accompaniment to any dish.

For 1 serving I used:

  • 1 small taioba leaf
  • 4 tablespoons of beiju farofa
  • 1 1/4 peel of 1 banana
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 1/2 onion
  • 1 clove of garlic

How to make:

Wash the taioba leaf, place it in a pan with water at room temperature and let it soak for 15 minutes.

Then drain the water, roll up the leaf and chop.

Then chop the onion and garlic and put all the ingredients in the skillet.

  • Taioba: enjoy the benefits of this powerful vegetable
  • See what taioba is for!
  • Never throw food away again!
  • Find out all about the myrrh plant!
  • Understand if your plant is sick
  • Check out 7 types of plants that attract positive energy

Once the butter has melted, mix all the ingredients together until they are all moistened by the butter. Sauté the onion and garlic and it's ready.

Just choose what to eat with or eat alone.

Too good!

Enjoy and may this Easter come full of good energies, good thoughts and may it help more members of this universe in this awakening.

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