Tribute to all parents

The word PAI is embedded in many contexts of our life:

"Our father that is in heaven…";
“God the Father, deliver me from all evil…”;
“Father of Saint, give me your blessing”;
“Dad, can you teach me how to ride a bike?”

And so it goes.

At the heart of that word so small, yet so strong – PAI – there is a whole meaning of strength, guidance and protection. Our hearts let themselves travel and flow in the confidence of this driving.

We can go even deeper when we understand the importance of this presence, which may or may not be physical, in our lives.  What matters is that we feel connected to that energy. The energy of the Sacred Masculine.  When we open ourselves to this connection, we perceive the action of this force within us.

Tribute to all parentsThe strength of male polarity, the strength YANG of impulse, of accomplishment, of concretization moves within us, launching us forward, towards our goals and objectives, helping us to aim at the targets we need to hit, the lever that makes us move through life.

This vibration is also found in Tarot card number four - THE EMPEROR - represented by a man seated on his throne, master of himself, the one who has assumed his individuality, who has already taken his place in the world and, aware of this, without any trace of arrogance, is calm in its power.

“I am what I am and I honor that,” he might say.

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Tribute to all parents

In view of this, I reinforce the importance of making contact with this part of us. First, resolving any pending issues with our earthly father, even if he is no longer living among us, it doesn't matter, leaving behind disagreements, differences, grievances, resentments, in a process of forgiveness and full acceptance of this man who, no matter how that brings or has brought a challenging relationship, is what we need or needed to grow. With that, naturally, this force in us is manifesting and strengthening itself, the Sacred Masculine giving us the possibility to empower ourselves with our own power.

Cute, no? So it is!

With humility, simply being and letting be who we already are and fulfilling our calling, our purpose here on this planet.

From my heart, my sincere and loving tribute to Big Dad, Lord of all things, to my earthly father, honoring and thanking him for being a part of me and all earthly, spiritual fathers and our Inner Father, the part of ourselves that lives up to our personal power.


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