Stone of the Sun: what it is for and how to identify if it is real

Stone of the Sun: what it is for and how to identify if it is real

Have you ever noticed the beauties that nature has to offer us? You've probably already photographed several of them when you went to the beach or when you saw a unique sunset. Others, however, you may rarely see, such as gemstones.

Among the many examples of gemstones that we can find, we highlight the stone of the sun. After all, wouldn't it be amazing to be able to hold a little piece of this star in the palm of your hand? Or use it as an accessory?

With the content we have prepared, you will delve deeper into the sunstone, understanding what it means, what it represents, what are the ways to use it and much more. Keep reading the article to learn more.

Meaning of Sun Stone

First, let's understand why the sun stone gets its name. If you look closely at this crystal, you will notice that it has a glow inside the composition. In contact with the sun's rays, these points of light intensify even more, as if they could concentrate the powers of the Sun. Therefore, the name of the stone is an indication of its appearance.

What is the sun stone for?

After understanding a little more about the name of the crystal that seems to have solar rays in it, it's time to unravel the energy of the sun stone. Find out how it works in three aspects:

1) Physical body

In the physical body, the sun stone can act in three ways: in relieving insomnia, promoting relaxation at dusk; in relieving pain, such as menstrual cramps; in increasing disposition, especially sexual, bringing more energy.

2) Spirit

An important property of the sunstone is its action on an individual's mental health. In this way, she is able to stimulate positive feelings and thoughts, attracting happiness and warding off hurt. In addition, the stone increases the courage of those who use it.

3) Environments

In an environment, the stone of the sun increases the energy of those who are attending a certain place. In addition, the crystal promotes a shield against negativity, emanating good vibrations.

Sun stone symbology

The effects that the sunstone has on your body, your mind and the space you are in are as impressive as its symbology. This is because the crystal's points of light are believed to have been produced by Italian monks, who secretly keep the composition of this special glow.

However, according to legend, monks teamed up with alchemists to establish a connection between Heaven and Earth from a single object. Then, after a few tries, they came up with a luminous result, which looked like the representation of the Sun on Earth. So this is the symbology of the sunstone.

Fun facts about the sun stone

The powers of the sunstone are especially related to certain professions and signs. Identify this aspect to find out if this crystal can help your career or your connection to yourself, next.

Sunstone and the professions

The sun stone can enhance the skills of barbers, bankers and executives, being associated with these professions.

Sunstone and the signs

Leo is the sign that most benefits from the powers of the sunstone, precisely because it is related to the star that names the crystal.

How to use Sunstone?

Now that you know the benefits that Sunstone brings to you, in different aspects of your life, here are the main ways to use it:

  • Sun stone crystal: use in environments such as your home or office. On your desk, however, you should leave it inside the drawer, so it doesn't attract too much attention.
  • sun stone pendant: in this form, you can use the crystal as an amulet, to increase your self-confidence and ward off negative energies that may be around you.
  • Sun stone ring: on your finger, this stone can help you make decisions with more courage and assertiveness, ensuring success in your projects.
  • Sun stone earring: close to your face, the stone will boost your self-esteem and your personal glow, making you attract attention wherever you go.
  • Sun stone bracelet: indicated to promote the energy flow in your body, releasing the hurts and resentments that harm you.

How do I clean my sunstone?

Since most stones need cleaning, it's understandable that you might think you need to sanitize your sunstone accessories. However, this is an example of a self-cleaning crystal, which does not need an external procedure to keep itself clean. If you want to remove any specific dirt, wash it under running water.

How to energize the sunstone?

Just as the sunstone does not need to be cleaned, it also does not need to be energized. Despite this, if you want to intensify the energies that this crystal emanates, just leave it exposed to the sun's rays at 12 pm for 30 minutes.

Sunstone Precautions

There are two precautions you should take with regard to the sunstone. The first one concerns the form of use. As we explained earlier, you should not place your stone of this type in a conspicuous spot in your work environment, as this can distract your attention or the attention of those who are working with you.

The second precaution with the sunstone has to do with its authenticity. While real sunstone has discreet sparkles and a mottled color, mixing light and dark tones, fake sunstone is a mixture of resin and glitter. Although it shines brightly, it does not carry the powers of the original crystal.

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According to the information we present, the sun stone is a crystal full of good energies, which can increase your personal glow, raise your self-esteem and relieve the bad sensations that are in your chest. However, remember to verify the stone's authenticity to ensure that it will have the desired effects on your life.

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