Autumn Equinox

The beginning of autumn 2022 is still a little way off, but that doesn't mean we can't prepare for it. After all, the energies present in the autumnal equinox, if well used, can last the entire year.

And who doesn't want some help from nature to feel better every day? So use each of the following information to reap all the benefits of the beginning of autumn 2022. Be surprised by the advantages of the change of season!

What is the autumnal equinox?

The autumnal equinox is an astronomical phenomenon that marks the end of summer and the beginning of spring and happens twice throughout the year. The first time is in March, in the southern hemisphere, where España is located. The second time is in September, in the Northern Hemisphere, where Europe is.

This phenomenon occurs when the Sun shines equally on the two hemispheres of the Earth. Because of this, day and night, only on the day of the equinox, are of equal length. By the way, the name “equinox” means “equal night”.

After the autumnal equinox, with the Earth's tilt, the sun's rays illuminate one hemisphere more than the other. Thus, in the portion where autumn began, the days become shorter and the nights become longer.

In addition, there is a drop in temperatures and we may feel less energy throughout the day. For nature, the beginning of autumn 2022 is a period of rest. And for us? How is our spirituality influenced by this phenomenon? Check it out below!

Autumn Equinox in Celtic Culture

Celtic culture is one of the traditions that recognizes the energies that the autumnal equinox can offer us. As this culture is more present in the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth, the celebration of these vibrations takes place on September 21 or 22, with the Mabon Ritual.

According to Celtic mythology, the autumnal equinox marks the time when the Sun God gives up his place on the horizon to the Mother Goddess in a cycle. That's why it's time to harvest fruits and other foods, to let the land rest.

With all that was harvested, a great feast was organized, so that the people could give thanks for what the land had provided them. Therefore, the autumnal equinox can be an opportunity to stimulate the feeling of gratitude within us.

Autumn Equinox
George Becker / Pexels

The beginning of autumn 2022 is also important to recognize that everything happens in cycles and that we need a period to strengthen ourselves, just like nature. In this way, understand that the death of something offers space for something else to be born.

How to harness the energies of the autumnal equinox?

Even if you're not a part of Celtic culture, you can still enjoy the energies of the autumnal equinox, especially in early autumn 2022. But how do you do that? Delight yourself with tips for incorporating the elements of the season and the vibes it provides!

To embody what autumn has to offer you can take inspiration from the elements of Wiccan autumn equinox celebrations. They include food, candles, stones, incense and herbs, which you can easily find.

Starting with foods, you can choose something like wheat and corn derivatives, like breads, nuts, apples, and roots, like potatoes. For incense, bet on myrrh, sage or passion flower.

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Regarding candles, choose the fragrance that you like the most, opting for waxes in green, yellow, orange or brown colors. Regarding stones, you can use carnelian, lapis lazuli, sapphire and yellow agate.

Finally, choose herbs that are normally used in rituals, such as honeysuckle, oak leaves, roses, pine and others that you feel will attract good energies for the new season.

With these elements close to you, do a meditation thanking you for everything you have and for all the challenges you have already overcome, but don't stop there! Since the autumnal equinox brings end-of-cycle energy, use the date to do a general cleanse.

Clean your house, your garden and your closet. Recognize what no longer suits you or your home and allow someone else to receive those items. Thus, you will be practicing detachment and showing that you understand the end of a cycle.

Above all, the beginning of autumn 2022 is a chance for you to stimulate your self-knowledge, understanding your shadows and dealing with them better. Through meditation with the suggested elements, you will feel even better with this exercise in reflection.

Considering each of the information presented about the autumnal equinox, you already have everything you need to take advantage of the change of season. Receive these new energies with gratitude and the certainty that one cycle ends for another to begin. Follow our recommendations to feel good about who you are all year round!

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