Prepare to remember past lives

    Beloved! As the transition draws to a close, the consciousness of those who are ready for ascension will widen to very high levels, to the point where it will promote the remembrance of all past lives. Not only the lives experienced here on Planet Earth, but also outside of it.

    This preparation is demanding some efforts now, especially regarding the understanding that, here, we were in a school of souls. The experience in duality determines that one can, in fact, in each incarnation, live sometimes as a good guy, sometimes as a bandit. This alternation of status is what actually taught all the lessons to the students of this School.

    When consciousness reaches the highest levels, and it will not be long, each incarnated soul ready for its ascension will gradually remember each past life. You will remember that, in each of them, a different character lived. In one life he was a murderer; and in another, he was murdered. In one he was a thief; in another, he was robbed. He was rich once; in another, he was miserable. He was wise in one lifetime; in another, idiot. In short, everything that one can have any notion of was, in fact, experienced at some point in the past.

    Prepare to remember past lives
    Professor25 de Getty Images Signature / Canva

    When we understand that there are no more lessons not yet experienced, we have the impression that this school will be part of the past. But it is not enough just to have experienced it, it is necessary to have learned the lessons in its duality, that is, both as a good guy and as a thief. This is what is called duality, or polarities.

    Until recently, we learned that every wrong done, one day, should be reversed, that is, suffer the same actions practiced in the past. Yes this is true. But it is not a punishment as imagined. In fact, not even a karma to be redeemed, because if we are living the experiences that teach us what it is like to be in one or another condition, what really matters is the lesson learned.

    We can compare life in 3D to a big open-air theater. All souls incarnated here live a different character in each incarnation. Nothing is real in 3D. That's why we say that everything is just an illusion. We will, in fact, know soon enough, as consciousness expands.

    If there is no mistake, but there is always learning, we begin to understand that even when in a past life we ​​were the bad guy, it was really an experience of what it would be like to live a life as such. So if I killed someone in a past life, I didn't acquire karma as was previously understood. It was a lesson to learn what it's like to be a killer. Obviously, after the disincarnation, my soul recognizes the lived experience and then makes a soul plan to reincarnate and experience the other polarity, that is, to be murdered.

    Once both sides of the coin are experienced, the lesson is learned. Today, our conscience can already understand this. There is no mistake, there is learning. However, after the experience, the conscience already knows that killing someone is not necessary. Because, if you do, then, yes, you will be incurring the need for redemption, which is what we call negative karma.

    Prepare to remember past lives
    francescoch from Getty Images/Canva

    Understanding clearly what the rules are like in this School of Duality on a Third Dimensional Planet will lessen the impact or shock that many will feel when the strongest events quickly lift the veils. Remembering our actions carried out within what we understand as MAL may not be pleasant for those who still don't understand that everything was a staging so that the incarnate soul Fractal could learn the lessons taught in this Terran School.

    Dreams are already bringing certain metaphors that refer us to such acts and actions of the past. But it's still not enough. It is necessary to be aware that the acts performed when we were in the condition of a bandit, are not real, but were, in fact, an act, because in 3D nothing is real. The first lesson is always a new learning experience. Obviously, after this first time, the conscience already knows that it should not repeat such acts because then, yes, it will generate karma and the need for rescue. This is what happens today with a large part of humanity. Even though he knows he shouldn't do certain acts, he does them anyway. Then come the consequences as we know them.

    A consciousness ready to ascend into 5D will remember its past. You will remember every detail and every lesson. You will understand that there were no mistakes, but there was always a lesson in each situation. There will be no regrets or guilt. Instead, there will, in a way, be a certain pride in yourself, as you will appreciate the performance and performance in every incarnation, even those in which you played the part of the bad guy.

    Before consciousness begins to remember all these details, each one must become aware of it. Otherwise, by seeing all this information at once, many will go into shock, even if for a certain time, long enough to actually understand.

    When we say that consciousness is widening, we are also referring that it will effectively recognize who it is and also all that it has experienced in past lives. It will also be a time to prove the famous phrase: WE ARE OURSELVES ARCHITECTS.

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    Anyway, we are now rapidly approaching the completion of learning in this School of Souls. The end of a Cycle closes to usher in a New Era. We will leave behind a World of Atonement and Trials, to enter a World of Regeneration. The long-awaited Golden Age is already heralding its dawn. The already announced New Time is finally beginning to appear on the horizon. The moment is one of joy and glory, as it is also the reward for those who have earned it.

    I am Vital Frosi, and my mission is enlightenment.


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