What is Tai Chi Chuan?

If you live in parks where you live and you usually walk past them in the morning, you may have seen a group of people practicing movements choreographed by a master and involving slow, smooth changes of position. It is common to see elderly people participating in this practice. Yes, this is tai chi chuan, an ancient Chinese martial art recommended for people of all ages and that encourages relaxation of the body and mind, as well as improves flexibility and muscle strength.

But what is tai chi chuan? How and where did it arise? What are the principles and benefits of this practice? Take all your doubts right now and understand how tai chi chuan can benefit your life!

what is tai chi chuan

Tai chi chuan is a Chinese martial art. Despite this, it is not a fighting and combat technique, as you can imagine, since it is considered an internal martial art (the Chinese term for this type of technique is “neijia”), which indicates that its focus is on the cultivation and development of chi, vital energy, according to Traditional Chinese Philosophy, not in external bodily combat. Some tai chi chuan masters even avoid calling the practice a martial art and prefer to use the expression “meditation in motion” to define the technique.

Unlike other types of martial art that exist in the world, focusing on clashing, combat and overcoming the opponent, tai chi chuan focuses on internal development and has its roots in the philosophical-religious current called Taoism, which preaches, among other things, self-knowledge and the search for balance and harmony in all fields of life.

What is Tai Chi Chuan?
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Also in contrast to other martial arts, which aim to develop agility and muscle tension, tai chi chuan promotes muscle relaxation, as it has a gentle style. The technique's movements are circular and, when combined with a certain breathing rhythm, promote stretching and relaxation in the body. It is a practice suitable for all ages.

Origin of Tai Chi Chuan

There are two origins for tai chi chuan: the official and the legendary. According to legend, a Taoist monk named Chang San Feng was responsible for developing the technique after seeing a clash between an eagle and a snake, understanding that smooth and harmonious movements made one of the two animals stand out in the fight, instead of aggressive and forceful attacks. According to legend, after he managed to reach the apex of this technique, Chang San Feng became immortal.

The official origin, however, states that the main principles of the martial art were defined by the Yang family, more specifically by Yang Lu Chang (1789-1872). But it was only years later that the master Yang Cheng Fu (1883-1936) spread Yang family tai chi chuan throughout China. As with other martial arts, however, there are many different schools and styles of tai chi chuan, each with slightly different origins.

In addition to Cheng style tai chi chuan, developed by Yang Cheng Fu, the other most popular styles are Yang, Wu/Hao, Wu and Sun.

The principles of tai chi chuan

When he developed tai chi chuan, Yang Cheng Fu also outlined the principles that guide the practice, in addition to the movements that are part of the technique. These are the 10 principles of Cheng style tai chi chuan movements:

What is Tai Chi Chuan?
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  1. It is necessary to suspend the head from the top with lightness and sensitivity;
  2. Emptying the chest and stretching the back is necessary;
  3. Relax the waist;
  4. Distinguish the full from the void;
  5. Relaxation of the shoulders and release the elbows;
  6. Always use the mind, not muscle strength;
  7. Make the interconnection between upper and lower body movements;
  8. Constantly uniting the inside to the outside;
  9. Move seamlessly, continuously;
  10. Seek stillness while performing the movement.

Is Tai chi chuan a martial art, sport or practice for healthy living?

When it was developed by Yang Lu Chang, tai chi chuan was considered an effective form of combat against people as well as animals. The imperial guard of China, at the time, received training in this practice, which is still taught to the Chinese army today.

As for the use of this type of combat in modern times, famous actor Jet Li, one of the biggest propagators of tai chi chuan, wrote on his website: “With the advent of technology, you have guns, cannons, nuclear bombs and other advanced weapons. . [Learning tai chi chuan] no longer serves the purpose of hand-to-hand fighting tigers, invaders, etc. Today, if you kill or cripple someone with an impressive wushu move learned from ten years of intensive training, it's not going to help you survive. […] [Tai chi chuan] allows a person to exercise their body and improve their health”.

As, therefore, it is no longer used for the purpose of fighting or sports, in the sense of tai chi chuan competitions, this ancient martial art has become an effective tool for the well-being, development and relaxation of the body.

Main benefits of sport

What is Tai Chi Chuan?
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As it does not include sudden, aggressive movements that require agility or physical strength, for example, tai chi chuan can be practiced by people of all ages, from children to adults. Just as it can be used preventively, to avoid future problems, tai chi chuan can also be used as a treatment to prevent pain and heal physical problems.

Below is a list of the benefits of practice:

  • Relieves symptoms of depression and disorders such as anxiety and panic, as it promotes relaxation of body and mind;
  • Combats and soothes joint problems;
  • Helps in the treatment of osteoporosis;
  • It collaborates in the regulation of cardiovascular, respiratory, hormonal and digestive functions;
  • Stimulates perfect blood circulation;
  • Increases flexibility and works muscle strength;
  • Decreases feelings of anxiety and stress, as well as the symptoms of these conditions;
  • Develops and/or restores motor coordination;
  • Improves balance of both body and mind.

Although there are very few restrictions regarding the practice, consult your doctor before jumping into this technique, which can bring many benefits to your life, as long as it is recommended by a trusted professional and after a check-up.

  • Understand how martial arts help in self-knowledge
  • Discover the therapeutic gymnastics of Chinese medicine
  • Delve into the tai chi of liberation
  • The Invisible Power of Tai Chi Chuan
  • Learn about the “Tao” of Tai Chi
  • Tai Chi vs Treinare muscular

In short, more than developing bodily abilities and skills, tai chi chuan encourages a balance between body and mind, promoting relaxation and stimulating flexibility and muscle strength. If you're looking for a practice that helps you balance body and mind benefits, tai chi chuan might be the best option!

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