Numerology – Your Powerful Number

    The history of numbers is as old as the history of the Universe. Talking about Numerology means rescuing a knowledge developed and studied in depth by Pythagoras, who was born around 600 years before Christ and died around 497 BC Here we are going to approach the numerological system created by him around 632 BC, because it is the most practiced in the West and is closer to our understanding.

    After having made studies that did not satisfy him, Pythagoras left for Egypt to be initiated with the priests of Memphis. After 22 years, the duration of his initiation, he was able to perceive, in altered states of consciousness that suddenly appeared, the fall of spirit into matter and its ascent to Unity.

    For Pythagoras, the number was the bond that united heaven and earth, spirit and matter, he can be considered the father of modern mathematics. His philosophical teaching began with the doctrine of numbers, which, according to him, played an essential role in the Macrocosm and the Microcosm.

    Numerology – Your Powerful Number
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    He takes Unity as a base, and all the numbers that follow from it are a living force, whose chain becomes, for him, a universal theology. The One is the Father, the creator of all Things, source of all Existence, who Creates, legislates and judges. Each of us emanates from the Eternal Father. We are all a divine parcel.

    Number theory assumes that we have lived many lives before and that we will live even more after the one we are currently living. These existences are lived so that we learn to improve our knowledge, so that we grow in kindness, in understanding, in compassion and in charity, with the final objective being the union with the divine power, when perfection is reached.

    Numerology helps us to know ourselves better and helps us understand the path of our destiny. Thus, it is possible to value our personal talents, work on our imperfections, advance towards success, dribbling and consciously working on our karmas, to live a more productive life.

    Numerology studies are carried out through your full name at birth, transforming the letters into numbers according to the table created by Pythagoras.
    The name information provides a profile of your personality, talents, temperament, your Soul desires, your mission in this world, and the abilities and weaknesses of your persona.

    Numerology – Your Powerful Number
    Stokpic / Pexels

    The sum of the date of birth, on the other hand, guarantees its nature, its cycles from childhood to old age, its destiny, the stages through which it will go through its peaks and challenges.
    Your POWERFUL NUMBER is the sum total of our name and date of birth, reduced to a single digit. Therefore, it indicates the energy quotient of the person, profoundly influencing both the purpose of life and destiny, being, therefore, a balancing number for all life.

    He is our great vibratory opportunity to achieve what we set out to do when preparing for birth. As our ultimate goal, this number must be the constant luminary to guide us, so that we don't get lost in the intricate labyrinths that we ourselves have placed ourselves.

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    If you want to know your powerful number, I suggest you click on the link below and follow the video on how to proceed and what the powerful number found means.

    Know how to take advantage of this information, using your Powerful Number.

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