23:23 - What is the meaning of seeing this time often?

There are certain moments in life when we feel exhausted and when everything seems to go wrong or stagnant, we no longer have the strength to get out of the situation.

The number 23 as a sign of the hour equal to 23:23 speaks of the need to take care of energies to restore and solve problems. There's no way to escape, there's no use getting anxious wanting to get rid of the problem.

Let's see more about the number 23 vibration.

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The meaning of number 23

In the union of the sensitivity of the number 2 with the desire to grow of the number 3, there is an intense movement that takes place from the inside out. We are talking about the energies that these numbers bring when they are together. In the blink of an eye, we can fall into the deception of fragile emotions and open up a cycle of negative energies, such as anxiety, fear and negativity.

This makes us attract trouble and more trouble. Therefore, to get out of this situation, number 23 speaks of rescuing faith to strengthen and move forward, without haste and worries.

In fact, worries come from the ego that, instead of acting, paralyzes and opens the “talk” of the illusory mind – the voices that destroy the spirit. Therefore, the number 23 brings the true meaning of the Divine power in us: the intuitive power of 2 with the power of the sacred triad of 3: body – soul – spirit.

The numerological meaning of 23

Within the studies of numerology added to the tarot archetypes, the number 23 brings the strength of The Pope (2+3 = 5) and the challenge of The Magician (2-3 = 1). Both are arcana that have mediumistic gifts to be developed.

While The Magician has the tools and knowledge necessary to develop the skills as a young apprentice, The Pope brings Divine protection and exercises unshakable faith and spreads it to those who have ears to hear.

What does it mean to see 23:23

Warning sign! Time to regain vitality and faith in yourself. For this, it is necessary to identify the origin of tiredness or exhaustion, as they can be the result of just a busy day, unresolved situations or negative energies.

Physical, mental and emotional fatigue: time to relax and take care of yourself. Rest, take care of your well-being, get the nonsense out of your head, do things that give you pleasure and, if you need to, have a medical check-up or a therapy session to let off steam.

23:23 - What is the meaning of seeing this time often?
viktorkolodko / 123RF / I Without Borders

Problems: instead of worrying or running away, take the willpower of the arcane The Mage and take action to solve the problem, if it is within your reach. Otherwise, don't stress and delegate the situation to the right person to handle it.

Negative energies: prayers, mantras, protection rituals and spiritual therapies, which can be in religious (trusted) or holistic centers, such as reiki, apometry, herbal baths. Be very careful with this though, and only do them with people you trust or if you are a person who knows what he does like the Wizard and the Pope.

Remember that there is the law of return, which in the Wiccan religion means "Whatever you do will return triple to you".

What to do when seeing the time 23:23?

Reflect on the stage you are in in life, on what your soul desires and check which of the above options identify with what you need. This hour equal to 23:23 is aimed at working the energies.

If it's okay with you, when you see this hour just give thanks if connected with your spiritual mentors.

Did you see another time like this? discover the meaning

the angel 2323

Within Kabbalistic angel studies, the angel that is closest to Earth around 23:23 is the angel Haiaiel. Angel who frees us from bonds with people who want to oppress us and protects everyone who wants the light of divine truth.

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The color associated with the number 23 is purple, which is the color of transmuting energies. The black color can also be used to protect energy and environments, for example. Both ask for caution in use so as not to generate depression and blockage of good energies.

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