Why practice Yoga?

Why practice Yoga?
Have you ever wondered why you should practice Yoga?

Practicing Yoga is not a matter of age or gender, but a matter of being human. So, the answer to your question should be: I practice Yoga, because Yoga is for humans, being a way to live a peaceful and happy life, full of peace, not to mention the physical, emotional and mental benefits that the practice gives us. provides. Yoga is the art that leads us to happiness, that teaches us to be happy.

A school of life do Yoga

Practicing Yoga is being a student in the school of self-knowledge. Although it is an ancient tradition, Yoga continues to make perfect sense even today and, despite not being a religion, it can fill spaces that are empty, in addition, Yoga is different from religions, as they are more focused on giving comfort to people, when Yoga does not caress, but seeks liberation and growth as a human being.

Even though it is not scientific knowledge, Yoga seeks to present things in a more empirical way, that is, with demonstrations, making people more comfortable who, when they suspect something, prefer to check for themselves. Even though it is not an art, in its daily practice we realize that Yoga is very similar to artistic practices, when it teaches us the art of being happy. In addition, we have to take into account the philosophy of Yoga, which is connected with everything we experience in our daily lives.

The philosophy of Yoga teaches us that we are already the happiness we are looking for and so, we don't need to change what we are to be happy, that there is no need to run after riches that society imposes on us, much less that we need something to happen. outside so that we can bring happiness into our lives.

My self-image problem

When I think about myself, I don't see myself as complete or happy, and this problem will not be solved by subtracting the other problems in my life. This is because the problem with my self-image is much more linked to the lack of knowledge I have about myself than to something I have lived. Thus, this will be solved from self-knowledge!

When I look in the mirror, I see an incomplete and needy person, needing something to feel complete. I see someone who is not, or does not feel, happy. We can call this belief, that is, a force that, based on a presupposed idea about myself, leads me to act in a certain way, putting me in a situation of unnecessary suffering.

In this sense, Yoga teaches me that within these limitations or imperfections I am simply perfect! That is, I don't need to change anything about myself to be happy. However, this should not be taken as an endorsement to conform and accommodate ourselves in situations that go against our dignity, but rather that our actions to seek change and satisfaction will not be able to bring us happiness.

 cultivate discernment

When you feel imperfect and unhappy, mentalize the following words:

“May I have the strength to change what must be changed. May I have the patience to accept what cannot be changed. May I have the discernment to understand the difference between the two.”

The issue is not really what you do or call Yoga, but your real purpose in your actions. Doing yoga poses means nothing if you don't focus your practice on your liberation. Practicing breathing and meditation doesn't mean you're practicing Yoga either, if you don't focus on your liberation.

In this sense, if you practice Yoga to learn more about yourself, if you know how to take lessons from your practice to apply in your life and this helps you in the process of personal liberation, then you can call your practice Yoga. However, doing postures or meditations for a purpose other than freedom, then, is not Yoga.

Start your journey in Yoga through the practice of Hatha, the Yoga of the body, and begin to perceive the effects of postures, relaxation and breathing, even if subtle, transform your life. The thirst for self-knowledge will come and be quenched in this process. Remember: we are heading in this direction!


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