Frequency 440 Hz: what is it?

Frequency 440 Hz: what is it?

Sounds are part of our life, and when they are harmoniously combined in frequencies and rhythms, they become music. This, in turn, has been part of civilizations and cultures around the world since ancient times, expressing feelings and emotions in the most varied styles.

Even music has a great influence on people, and can be used to cheer, energize, relax and generate various behaviors, depending on the oscillation of sound waves per second with which it is produced, called frequency.

Frequency is measured in Hertz (Hz), the International System (SI) unit, which is equivalent to one second. It is currently standardized at 440 Hz. But do you know what that means? Read on to find out!

What is 440 Hz frequency?

In general, societies have their own combinations of musical notes, scales and rhythms, but for musical instruments to sound good and have cohesion, they are tuned considering one of the musical notes and a certain frequency.

And when you say 440 Hz, it means that a sound wave vibrates 440 times in the interval of one second on the note A. It also refers to the tuning standard of the musical pitch used on all instruments, as established by the International Organization for Standardization's ISO Standard 16 (1955). However, ISO 16 is not a law and therefore musicians, bands and artistic communities are free to choose other tunings.

What is the frequency 440 Hz for?

The adoption of a certain frequency, as explained above, is a choice, not an imposition. So much so that today's musicians can use 432 Hz, 444 Hz and others, according to intuition or personal taste.

But imagine a conductor who is going to perform with an orchestra in a certain place where the instruments are tuned and then goes to another with a completely different tuning, having to present the same musical composition. Imagine in an orchestra instruments with different tunings. Even to the untrained ear, it could sound disharmonious. So the 440 Hz frequency was adopted to promote a pattern and achieve musical cohesion in any location, among other factors.

As for hearing, this frequency is not so different from 432 Hz, adopted by Verdi and which was widely used by erudite composers of the time. It even gives the impression of more vigor to the orchestra, for example. To our ears, the frequency 440 Hz is perhaps not perceived differently from that adopted by the Italian composer. But it may demand more from singers, who, due to higher notes, need to raise their vocal pitch.

Is the 440 Hz frequency bad?

There are many theories about the purpose of the 440 Hz frequency, as until the mid-432th century it was common to XNUMX Hz. One of them points out that Joseph Goebbels, Minister of Nazi Propaganda, determined that the German standard be changed to this new frequency, believing that it could be used to control hearts and minds, facilitating the supremacy of Nazi troops over the nations. The United States, influenced by the armed forces and economic groups, also began to use this frequency.

According to Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, filmmaker, specializing in media persuasion and author of 16 books, the music industry is using the 440 Hz frequency to massify entire populations, causing greater aggression, psychosocial agitation, emotional distress in people and materialistic consciousness, with the aim of of domination and obtaining increasing profits.

In Italy, studies were carried out to scientifically identify the influences of musical frequencies on people, as is the case of the “Music Tuned to 440 Hz Versus 432 Hz and the Health Effects: A Double-blind Cross-over Pilot Study” , published in July 2019, in the Explore Journal, New York, United States, which concluded that, even in a small sample, frequency 432 is more efficient in reducing heart rate than 440 Hz.

Considering that music is everywhere and is heard at the frequency 440 Hz, most of the time and by a large number of people, some spiritualist doctrines believe that it could reduce the capacity for personal relationships due to the psycho-spiritual maladjustment caused by the conflict it generates in the chakras.

What are the benefits of the 440 Hz frequency?

The question that remains is: if the 440 Hz frequency is capable of provoking aggression, emotional suffering and materialistic consciousness, even less supportive of physical well-being than the 432 Hz, why is it still used?

Concomitant with efforts to live in a more united and open world, the idea of ​​440 Hz as a standard came to eliminate international tuning disputes and express rationalization in the musical field. In addition, it has a pragmatic sense, aimed at the global economy, because, with current specifications, instruments can be manufactured in a certain place and sold all over the world, even if the musical styles are different.

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Anyway, even if studies identify that the 432 Hz frequency brings more benefits to people than the 440 Hz frequency, it is more positive to try listening to music at other frequencies and allow yourself to feel their influences, especially the binaural and 528 Hz, for example.

To conclude, despite conspiracy theories that the 440 Hz frequency is not beneficial, it is the current standard for instrument tuning and music production. At the same time that it influences our daily lives, it also harmonizes with the consciousness that it represents. In addition, if there is a dark intentionality regarding its adoption, it also means a source of reflection on the power of music and its characteristics in the existence of Humanity. Think about it and listen to good music!

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