Tips for successful nutrition education

Food reeducation, a term difficult to make in the midst of so much rush, where we exchange healthy and nutritious foods for greasy “fast foods” that are not only bad for health but also expensive. In order to have a food reeducation, some factors are worthy of attention:

1. Routine: prepare your own food!

Tips for successful nutrition education

The food issue must become routine, the act of preparing food, buying the ingredients must be placed in your routine if you want to succeed in your new and healthy diet.

2. Know the foods

Tips for successful nutrition education

Watch the calories, combinations and follow the food pyramid. Know the vitamins and nutrients contained in different foods as well as their harm if they are ingested in excess, and their benefits when ingested in the right amounts.

3. Cook, no laziness!

Tips for successful nutrition education

Without laziness! If it's impossible for you to do this at lunch because of time, then invest in self-service restaurants that usually have healthier foods and cook for dinner, don't forget to have a good breakfast and keep yourself fed every three. hours.

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4. Avoid sweets and fried foods.

Tips for successful nutrition education

It's no use cooking at home and living on fried eggs and brigadeiro, despite being appetizing, avoid fried foods and sweets, they are addictive and are not the best options for those who want to have a better structured and healthier diet.

5. Don't be discouraged!

Tips for successful nutrition education

Stay focused, it's not in the first week that you get used to the new routine and new menus, but over time you will adapt and make your diet more natural.

Text written by Giulia Machiaveli from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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