The stories of your body

We human beings live so focused on everything we have to do and with everything we feel, that we often end up forgetting that our physique has the power to speak for us. You may ask yourself, “What do you mean, my body speaks for me?” and we will answer that question. We are not talking here about psychosomatic diseases or something that carries that famous phrase: “When the mouth shuts up, the body speaks”, but the history contained in our physique, in how the marks of our history are present in it and in what they do. can tell about us.

Each individual expresses himself in a way in life and this form of expression is totally linked to his values, his experiences, beliefs, creation, culture and even genetic inheritance. Before dealing with life situations, we inherit an organism and a body that are already “programmed” to a fundamental model of expression: digestion, movements such as crawling, walking, sitting, among others. Regarding other types of behavior, we learn over time or imitate other people.

The question that does not want to be silent, however, is: what are the stories of your body? Keep reading this article, as we will bring you reflections that will expand your mind and make you look fondly at your own body.

How does our body express itself?

The expression of the human body occurs through muscle contractions: a speech, a look, a smile, happiness, sadness, among others. With the repetition of the same expressions, our body ends up acquiring marks, just like the clothes we always wear and that wear out over time. For example, the pants you wore yesterday probably have the marks on your body, dirty or a little wrinkled, right? Even if you wash and iron it, over the days and use, it will carry marks that reveal how much it has been used or not, and it may still have specific marks that make you remember at some point.

The stories of your body
Eugene Chystiakov/Pixabay

More than the marks caused by time and aging, our body suffers reflections from the external world. We live in a society that over the years has built a specific pattern of image and beauty and, many times, we directly or indirectly attack our body and carry with us the frustrations and impositions that others create on us. This aggression is not said in a literal way – in most cases –, but it makes us absorb what others think and commonly makes us “slaves” to society's models.

The fact is that questioning our own body in a negative way from the consequences caused by the opinions of the external world makes us hate our image and deny our history. How does this occur? Generally, women feel the demands of the standards imposed by the environment in which they live or observe and literally end up hating their own bodies; in this way, they leave behind the deepest stories that define their strength and a good part of their trajectory.

The woman and the body

We know that living is not only based on our singularity, because we live in a plural world, where we emanate and absorb energies, as well as we give opinions and receive or not the opinions of others. Since antiquity, women have been the target of numerous judgments, mainly by men, about their own body, about their behavior, their positioning and their “duties” in life.

All this negative burden imposed on women since the beginning of civilizations is increasingly multiplied with the standards of modern society. Furthermore, there is currently a specific model of the body that is accepted by the world, while any other physique is practically stoned and judged as neglect, disease, lack of health and even self-love.

The stories of your body
Monica Rocha MĂ´ / Pixabay

No matter how mature and firm a woman is, it is undeniable that such evil looks do not interfere with the way she sees her own body. From what is caused to her psychologically, it is believed that the way her body is at the moment should be hated and changed as soon as possible. It is, however, exactly at this point that there is a big problem: the lack of acceptance and the desire for change due to other people's judgments or discontent drown out the stories contained in the physical body.

It is necessary to understand that, first of all, even in the plurality of the world, you, woman, are singular! There is no one like you and no one who has lived what you have lived so far. The way you grew up, your childhood and adolescence behaviors and who you are today define your story and life trajectory. Physical discontent is valid, because you are human, sensitive and free to feel and want what you want, but know that you carry the deepest of your personality in your body.

The body is what we have to be in this world, it is a mirror of what has already been lived by us and what we carry with us. If you are unhappy with the way you present yourself, know that there is no harm in that, but there are stories in your physique that detail the person you are today. Just like in the next year, your body will have new stories to tell of everything that has been lived today.

The body and reason

Being right is not the main thing in life! It is often necessary to abandon reasons and recover all our senses. Free yourself from what others say about you or the harm caused by mean words about your body. Recover your feeling, allow yourself to be yourself and be proud of everything you've conquered and experienced so far.

As much as science explains how the human body works, there is no doctor or person on this earth who can understand what you feel – you are the only being in the world capable of doing that. Just as your body is yours alone, your story is yours alone, your joys and sorrows are yours alone.

The stories of your body
Free-Photos / Pixabay
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Look at yourself with more love, woman! Give yourself the right of relief and choice. The struggle for acceptance and equality is constant, you own yourself on this Earth and it is important to reflect on how you feel about your physical body. The stories of your body are yours alone and don't depend on anyone's eyes!

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