The most important meditation to start the day

    When you wake up, don't initially think about your problems and responsibilities. Allow yourself some space to breathe, to not think and do nothing. A few minutes ago, this whole world didn't exist for you. What this really says about the nature of this world is anyone's guess. But at least we know that the existence of the world depends on something that is in us. Conscience, perhaps. But we have no idea what it is. If we really knew, maybe the game of the world would no longer exist.

    Have your favorite tea, coffee, glass of water or morning juice. Focus on it. Forget everything else. Don't turn on the TV or smartphone and don't even read the newspapers or magazines. Sit on the floor if you can. Close your eyes. Time is more plastic than we think. Let it expand, let the seconds become really large. Feel your fingertips. If this were your last day in this world, what would it really matter? Where would your attention go?

    The most important meditation to start the day

    If you're sleepy, even better. The hypnosis of the world does not take long to tangle our minds. Before long this small window of awareness will close and the almost uninterrupted flow of worries and problems will take over the center of awareness. It doesn't matter. If only for a few brief moments each morning we can prolong this space of consciousness, someday it may become long enough for an entire day to be lived like this.

    Look out the window. Maybe you see cars, people, the buzz of the world. Or else the slow swaying of trees and plants. It doesn't matter. We are another day on the plane of human consciousness. Here our consciousness is partial, fragmented, dual and most of the time we suffer from problems that we are not able to solve. Possibly the structure is like this so that consciousness can awaken to its nature. So say many. So, if we can have a space of non-involvement, of a subtle distance in relation to what happens to us and what we think, we can live, who knows, a little bit of our day with an open eye inside. Keeping one foot on the other side of the mind as we live our lives.

    The most important meditation to start the day

    The consciousness, spirit or soul that inhabits us gradually becomes more alive. Your ability to stay present increases. The hypnosis of the troubled inner world slowly loses some of its power. During the day, glimpses appear. As you taste an apple, for a brief moment it becomes clearer. You finally see the apple in your hand, which you eat every day without realizing it. Consciousness woke up. She sees, for a second, the world without filters. No analytics. But it doesn't last long. Suddenly someone catches your eye and you remember what you were thinking.

    You may also like other articles by this author. Access: The Four Acts of the History of Consciousness

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