Meditate to be healthy

    This article is the second in a series of texts that will address each energy area and how meditating and acting on them can be practical, useful and beneficial, regardless of dogmas, rituals and beliefs.

    You can follow my online meditation classes on Instagram Meditation Transforms.

    Health is fundamental for harmonizing the areas of life. With health, we manage our time more efficiently, we relate better with others, we work more willingly, we have more concentration to study. With health, it's easier to connect to our purpose.

    Health is the result of when the system โ€“ body, mind, emotions and energy โ€“ is equanimous. Equanimity, a common term in meditation, is the ability not to be carried away by what happens to us, or the unattached awareness of the arising and passing away of phenomena.

    Meditation helps us to maintain wise attention. When we learn to โ€œsee without being caught up in what we see,โ€ hurtful words, unfavorable events, negative thoughts, and unpleasant sensations are less likely to affect us. By not reacting, there is a greater possibility of responding with wisdom and compassion, triggering the harmony that the system needs to always stay healthy.

    Vitality is achieved with proper nutrition, good sleep, good posture, physical activity and regeneration. โ€œEquanimity in healthโ€ occurs when we balance activity and rest.

    Meditate to be healthy
    Unsplash / Scott Broome

    Just as we love it when we're productive and vibrant, we need to know when to stop and go into sleep mode. Several internal adjustments only occur at rest, such as the elimination of toxins and cell renewal.

    While I probably agree with everything I've written so far, you know the trend is never to stop. And what happens when we don't alternate activity with rest is also known to you: the body, emotions and mind accumulate the need to balance the system, until you are overcome by stress or some mild illness that knocks you out.

    How to get around this problem so common for everyone? Meditate!

    • What are chakras and how do they work?
    • 5 tips to make meditation a habit
    • Discover the type of meditation that's right for you
    • 4 health tips that will change your life

    Below I'm going to go over a night meditation practice that works: when it gets dark, start the slowing down process:

    • Turn off the lights and get away from your computer and cell phone, games and the news. If you like to watch TV to sleep, prefer nature documentaries. But, if possible, read a book, which induces sleep more easily.
    • Meditate. Breathe slowly and deeply and observe what the mind says without getting carried away. Is the mind agitated? Watch. Offering you great ideas? Just observe. Once the mind understands that it is in silence that inner clarity occurs, it rests.

    Try andโ€ฆ Meditate!

    You are in the 1st Chakra

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