Learn how to do an emotional detox

You may have heard of a detox to detoxify the body. Usually, people look for this resource when they are not eating very well or after a well enjoyed party, because they need to recover their physical health. But what about an emotional detox?

Less popular than physical detox, emotional detox focuses on a person's mental health. After all, we too can accumulate toxic thoughts and feelings in the mind that need to be removed. Next, learn more about how this process works.

What is emotional detox?

An emotional detox is a cleansing of your negative feelings. That's because, inevitably, we accumulate bad feelings throughout our days. We collect concerns, uncertainties, insecurities, anxiety and sadness, for different situations.

Learn how to do an emotional detox
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As a consequence of this, our feelings become increasingly negative, so it becomes more difficult to find the bright side of life, overcome challenges and enjoy the present. This is why an emotional detox is so necessary.

From there, your mind can be emptied of these negative thoughts, making room for positivity, tranquility and confidence. Find out about the other benefits of doing an emotional detox in the next topic.

benefits of doing it

An emotional detox is the best way to keep your mind at peace and in balance, but what are the benefits of doing it? How can this improve your quality of life? Check out:

1) Stress relief

Stress is often caused by a buildup of negative thoughts, when we feel overwhelmed or invalidated. Through an emotional detox, that kind of thinking will be wiped from your mind, so that you cultivate only what makes you feel good.

2) Ease of organization

When your mind is overloaded, it's harder to organize your days in a light and pleasant way. So an emotional detox will help you think more about your routine, to share your tasks with others and to enjoy the present.

3) Development of self-knowledge

Self-knowledge needs to be constantly developed. And you can do this with the help of an emotional detox, as you need to know and understand your emotions to know which ones are really useful for your life.

How to do an emotional detox?

Learn how to do an emotional detox
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If you want a more peaceful life, with more happy moments and with much less stress and worry, the time has come for an emotional detox. Follow these tips:

1) Balance your energies

Balancing your energies is a fundamental step in an emotional detoxl. This is how you will be able to connect your body and mind in a positive way. Bet on meditation, reiki, acupuncture, yoga and other such practices.

2) Spend less time on your phone

Even though the cell phone is useful and fundamental in our lives, it is good to regulate the time you spend using this equipment. Thus, you will be able to focus on the present more easily, in addition to avoiding the accumulation of information and concerns that social networks can cause.

3) Set your limits

It is essential to recognize your limits by doing an emotional detox and introducing them to other people. You are under no obligation to follow other people's desires and you need to connect with your true desires. To stay true to who you are, define what you accept or not, without fear of displeasing.

4) Take care of your body

Manter the health of your physical body is essential for a successful emotional detox. So start doing simple physical exercises every day, drink plenty of water and choose your food with conscience. From this, both your body and your mind will be free of impurities.

5) End cycles that harm you

Even though it is the most difficult part of an emotional detox, it is essential that you end the cycles that harm you. Putting yourself first can be painful for someone who is always giving to others, but the benefits will come. Cut contact with those who hurt you, look for a new job… do what you know you need to do.

Books on emotional detox

Learn how to do an emotional detox
George Milton from Pexels/Canva

For your emotional detox to be lasting and gain new methods every day, you can also take advantage of the teachings of books that address this topic. Choose your favorite:

1) “Emotional Detox – detoxifying your emotions”, Fernanda Fernandes (2020)

2) “The five emotional wounds: How to overcome the feelings that prevent your happiness”, Lise Bourbeau (2020)

3) “Emotions: Free Yourself from Anger, Jealousy, Envy and Fear”, Osho (2006)

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Ready! You already have everything you need to clear your mind, take care of your heart, and live the life you truly deserve. Start practicing your emotional detox as soon as possible, to reap the benefits of a light, balanced and positivity-filled existence.

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