How to Activate the Warrior Archetype? โ€“ Archetypes series

In this article we will talk about archetypes and propose a meditative practice to activate the warrior archetype. It is part of a series of 4 meditations (to be published soon) to activate 4 fundamental archetypes of human nature. They are the archetypes of the warrior, the shaman, the visionary and the sage.

What are archetypes?

Archetypes are living energies that move human beings of all times and all cultures. They are nothing more than forces of nature that permeate life itself, and that permeate us and work with us and teach us, often without our consciously realizing it.

Archetypes represent the most striking features present in a particular thing or symbol. It was defined by Carl Jung, although the term was already used by Greek philosophers, with an etymology that means โ€œoriginal patternโ€, that is, an immanent characteristic to a certain thing.

In our life, we live several types of archetypes, but our personality ends up tending more towards one type or two predominantly (eg warrior, wise old man, adventurer, shaman or healer, hero etc.).

Archetypes make us rediscover who we really are and the vivacity of life. They reconnect us to the power of our heart, from where we can truly create authentically, starting from our soul, from our most meaningful and deepest, true essence.

They allow us to step back into a dimension of instinctual magic, of appreciation, that anything is possible.

How to Activate the Warrior Archetype? โ€“ Archetypes series
OluremiAdebayo / Pexels

Shadow side of archetypes

It is interesting to note that all archetypes also have a shadow side. This means that its characteristics manifest in a negative way, and instead of being a constructive force, it is destructive, bringing great discomfort.

The importance of knowing this is that we can learn to value the positive qualities of archetypes. For example, feeling angry is a type of archetype. It is a force that exists in the world. It passes through all of us, indiscriminately, whether we like it or not.

The good news is that we can learn to express it in different ways. With a scream, a curse, an aggression, for example. These are very negative ways of propagating anger, and this will only make it continue to be destructive if the people who receive the aggressions don't know how to work the archetype.

How to Activate the Warrior Archetype? โ€“ Archetypes series
Pexels / Pexels

If we work anger through sport, for example, we transform this strong energy into something constructive. We don't attack another person anymore, but we start channeling to win a match, for example. This is a constructive way of dealing with archetypes.

Why is it important to activate archetypes?

It is important to work on archetypes because they can become important natural forces: of healing, of creativity and of initiative that move us towards the wholeness of our being.

Archetypes are magical energies that are latent in us, that circulate around the world and that are there reminding us to rise above our everyday smallness.

How to Activate the Warrior Archetype? โ€“ Archetypes series
Andrefurtado / Pexels

They give us a sense of beauty and when we reach the archetype in its full form, we can feel the beauty of each moment in our guts.

This helps us discover the gift that each moment offers us.

Archetypes make us access the dimension of adventure, of wonder, they reconnect us to the flame of creation, to the real perception of our capabilities, they make us share something felt by the heart, something that heals us from all ills.

If we move from within, from this sacred dimension of ourselves, we create out of love and creativity, we open ourselves to life and don't let fear and pride inhibit or discourage us.

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Meditative Practice: Warrior Archetype

Today we propose a meditative practice to activate the energy of the warrior. This archetype activates the leader qualities we have in us. He works with the courage to make himself alive, to be subject to criticism and to know how to maintain his inner balance.

The shadow of the warrior archetype is despotism, authoritarianism, self-centeredness. That's why we propose this practice so that you can express this energy in a constructive way.

when entering the warrior's path you activate your inner leader, your ability to contribute, to be an opinion and rule maker. It is necessary to appear in the arena of life, that is, to have the courage to make yourself alive, to be vulnerable to criticism and to make good use of power (and not force).

Here is the guided meditation to activate the warrior archetype.

Click to watch: Warrior Archetype | Guided Meditation  (1st in the โ€œArchetypesโ€ series)

Good practice! (then tell us what you think! Thank you!)

PS โ€“ Take the opportunity to take the free trial that indicates the your degree of connection with nature from within and without: โ€œWhat is Your Degree of Connection with Inner and Outer Nature?

PS 2 โ€“ Soon we will publish the next archetype: the shaman

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