Guided meditation to calm the mind and relax

    Meditating is one of the most powerful tools for self-knowledge, as well as helping to reduce stress and control anxiety.

    Today I bring a quick meditation β€” less than 8 minutes β€” to relax and calm the mind.

    Click on the video below and listen with headphones!

    Guided meditation text:

    β€’ Sit comfortably and let your eyes close very gently;

    β€’ This is your time to relax and realize yourself;

    β€’ Relax the muscles of the face, lips, eyebrows;

    β€’ Each;

    β€’ And take a few deep breaths;

    β€’ Note that you can relax a little more with each exhalation. Loosening your arms, your legs;

    β€’ And keep breathing calmly;

    β€’ You can feel the air going in and out of your nose, feel your abdomen expand with each inhalation;

    β€’ And notice the very smooth flow of each exhalation;

    β€’ Just like the waves of the ocean. Coming and going;

    β€’ And while you keep watching the breath;

    β€’ Realize yourself;

    β€’ Feel a little more in the present moment;

    β€’ Do you feel at peace rather than restless? Very calm. Everything is fine. For a while, just watch the breath happen;

    β€’ This is your conscience. Allow yourself to go deeper;

    β€’ And I'm sure you can loosen up the muscles in the face, forehead, lips, jaw a little more. Also loosen up your shoulders and arms a little more, as well as your hands;

    β€’ The chest, the belly;

    β€’ The legs;

    β€’ And now allow your breathing to happen. There is no need to control breathing;

    β€’ Breathing happens by itself;

    Guided meditation to calm the mind and relax / Pexels

    β€’ Let it happen;

    β€’ Creating more space;

    β€’ Let life happen as it comes and goes;

    β€’ Feel that space where life manifests itself;

    β€’ This is the space of consciousness;

    β€’ Let awareness go deeper within you;

    β€’ Loosen a little more;

    β€’ The muscles of the face;

    β€’ The arms and hands;

    β€’ And the rest of the body. There is no need to control anything;

    β€’ There is no need to hold on to anything;

    β€’ Give some space;

    β€’ Let life expand;

    β€’ Feel and perceive;

    β€’ A wide variety of sensations, feelings;

    β€’ All over the body;

    β€’ As if you were watching your own body, your own breathing;

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    β€’ Your own mind;

    β€’ From a superior perspective;

    β€’ For some time, letting everything happen;

    β€’ It's okay, it's okay;

    β€’ This is the state of pure being. Of pure consciousness;

    β€’ Feel free to sit a little longer or whenever you like. You can start moving slowly and come out of meditation.

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