Forgive and be happy!

This article offers an extremely powerful process for releasing negative burdens and setting life free to enjoy the best there is: more happiness and less suffering.

This is because the process that we propose here for forgiveness allows you to unload the burdens of the past and the negative feelings of the present.

By following the directions below, you will be able to see incredible results when it comes to cultivating more peace and serenity in your life.

That way you don't get blocked, because it heals problems from the past and doesn't create new wounds or deep hurts to be healed in the future!

Happy reading (and practice)!


The act of surrender refers to the fact that we have no control over most of the things that happen to us.

So, after you have done everything possible and in your power to resolve a situation, the best thing is to relax and let life take over.

It is necessary to accept that we are not able to make everything we want happen when we want. You have to surrender to life and let it help you achieve what you want most, letting go of the results.

Yeah, I know it's not easy, because we want to get what we prefer at all costs. But the fact is, we don't have control of everything. We only have control of our inner state if we are prepared for it.

Forgive and be happy!
Blubyrd/ Pexels

Your mental, spiritual and emotional state can be “adjusted” to the situations that present themselves. In other words, you can train yourself to face situations so that you don't get carried away by negative emotions (for this, practice the processes indicated below).

You come to realize that problems are just situations to be resolved in the moment, or left alone. If you start to see your problems as challenges that bring a good lesson, they lose the load of unnecessary worry and you are “safe”.

So the wisest tip is to act on the things that life presents you, without uselessly resisting the flow of what appears. This is a great exercise for greater fulfillment and less suffering.


Forgiveness means letting go of the negative burdens we carry in relation to people or situations that have hurt us.

This load hinders us because it makes us feel bad, and this creates resistance to the flow of life, obstructing the state of fluidity and happiness necessary to create our best version.

Forgive and be happy!
Allanmas / Pexels

The act of forgiving is nothing more than stopping thinking about the person or situation in a negative way. This does not mean that we should approve of the behavior of the other who has hurt us. But only to make that memory not disturb us anymore.

You realize that you have been able to forgive from the moment that thinking about the problematic person or situation does not cause emotional discomfort.

Preview for Forgiveness:

  • In a quiet moment, in a place without being interrupted, focus your attention on the person or situation you want to forgive (it could be yourself).
  • Pay attention to the region of your heart and notice what you feel. If you feel a sinking heart, or any signs of discomfort, forgiveness is necessary.
  • Take 10 minutes to do the “Forgiveness Visualization” with instructions for the forgiveness process.

Be happy!

To continue the process of forgiveness and become increasingly happy, it is important that you always pay attention so that the emotional discomforts of the present do not turn into future hurts.

For this, it is essential to be very attentive to how you feel in the present.

Forgive and be happy!
Danielxavier / Pexels

That is, when uncomfortable situations occur, the negative feeling needs to have space to express itself. So whenever you're feeling something bad, take a few minutes and totally dedicate them to letting your body feel that feeling, without judging it, smothering it or taking it out on someone else.

In this way, you give space for the feeling to be lived in the moment and go away. And why is this so important? Because by doing this you don't create hurt feelings, which will be much harder to heal in the future.

Letting the feeling pass you by the moment it appears is the best way to get rid of that negative charge and not create an emotional "monster" in your life.

This doesn't mean you should explode and react negatively to the other person. Responding to or treating the person who hurt us badly only serves to create a current of negativity, in which the feeling, instead of being resolved personally, will be relayed and gain more strength.

Don't take everything out on the other person. On the contrary, take responsibility for what you feel and work through the feeling yourself, letting it pass you by.

Forgive and be happy!
Helenalopes/ Pexels

Process to surrender and be happy:

  • Ask yourself: is there happiness, ease and lightness in what I'm doing now?
  • When asking the question, put your attention on your heart and feel what it is saying to you.
  • If you feel any discomfort, such as a tight heart, focus on the feeling and let it manifest for a few moments. Accept it. Thank him for letting you know that something needs to be heard.
  • Make an intention of what you want to do next: continue with the feeling or let it go and focus on something more constructive for you.
You may also like
  • Learn to say a prayer of forgiveness and set yourself free
  • Take the weight of guilt from your heart with a prayer of forgiveness
  • Recognize the benefits of forgiveness for your life


By following the indications in this article, you will certainly be better able to have happiness, ease and lightness in what you do.

With these practices you give space for the bad feelings of the present moment to pass through you. You don't identify with them. You realize that they are just "things" that are part of your condition as a human, but you don't let them take care of you.

You free yourself from past hurts and wounds that obstruct your present happiness.

This makes it easier to let bad feelings come, pass without resistance and go away without remaining in you. They no longer interfere with your happiness.

Thank you!

PS – Take the opportunity to take the free test that indicates your degree of connection with nature from within and without: “What is your Degree of Connection with Inner and Outer Nature?”.

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