stop and listen

Hi! You, who are reading this message, stopped to find out what is going on here. Enjoy and listen a little!

How are you feeling today? Did you wake up to live the best of the day, the great learning experience?

Carpe Diem!

How about aligning thought with feeling just for a few moments and see what happens differently?

Stop, inhale and exhale!

Around you there are still many things to be seen, allow yourself a new look, a new chance. New horizons are formed in the second look when you choose to look for alternatives that take you to meet what makes you feel expanded in body and soul.

Take the first step, without haste and without delay, at your own pace. Walk with attitude and walk! Ahead, the path will be made.

stop and listen
laleshaldarwish / Pexels

Be prepared for the intercurrences of life, remain firm, alert and vigilant. Any emotions that surface are mere tricks of the mind, hold the hand of your inner child and welcome it. When you feel mixed with others, stop and listen. In the midst of chaos, he is right there. No calls, no waving, it's right where you are. Be careful, as he can be intimidated by your child if he doesn't have patience. Keep her prepared too.

So keep going through the chaos, allowing the sensation to come in more and more, where the five senses align, becoming one sense. And may that connection expand, revealing a new perception of the moment you find yourself in now. Be your breath. Just Breathe! And there is nothing else but yourself. Time and space cease to exist.

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It is Life reminding you that you can be with yourself anywhere, without a timer and ruler, just aware of your presence and the Infinite Presence. Look inside and feel!

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