The different types of vegetarianism

    As its name suggests, vegetarianism consists of a diet exclusively composed of vegetables, grains, seeds, cereals, fruits (with or without the inclusion of dairy products or eggs), excluding any type of meat from the menu, from fish to Red meat. However, did you know that there are different aspects of vegetarianism?

    1) There are those considered semi-vegetarian, which are individuals who consume white meat at least three times a week. This type of vegetarianism is usually an adaptation or transition to a diet exclusively without eating any type of meat.

    2) There are also people who are lacto-ovo vegetarians, which, as the nomenclature says, are people who have not excluded eggs and dairy products from their menus. People who adhere to this type of diet usually do not exclude eggs and dairy products because of the high protein load of these foods.

    The different types of vegetarianism3) We also observe vegetarians who exclude only the egg, but continue to eat dairy products. We call it lactovegetarians adherents to this lifestyle. Eggs are often excluded from the menu due to problems related to cholesterol (which is relatively high in the food).

    4) Just as there are people who exclude only the egg from their diet, there are vegetarians who leave dairy products aside, ingesting the egg, they are called ovo-vegetarians. There are many reasons to abandon milk from the diet, they can be out of love for animals, or even lactose intolerance.

    5) Os Vegetarians proper are those that exclude all animal derivatives from their diet, but do not exclude animal-derived products from other parts of daily life, such as clothing, hygiene products and cosmetics, shampoos, etc.

    6) The vegan they have a diet free of animal derivatives (they don't even eat pasta that contains eggs) and also the rest of their daily lives. A vegan person does not wear leather or wool clothing, for example. They do not buy or consume any type of product that has come from an animal. This practice goes far beyond food and can be seen as a way of life that seeks to exclude all forms of cruel treatment of animals in food, clothing or anywhere else, such as circus shows, bullfights, etc.

    7) There are also frugivorous. It is a lifestyle that can also be considered similar to that of vegans, but frugivores refuse to consume foods that kill plants, thus avoiding the consumption of roots (potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, beets, etc.). They live on fruits, grains and seeds.

    8) In this spectrum, we also find the raw eaters, which are people who eat only raw food. They believe that by preventing food from being cooked, its nutritional qualities are preserved.

    It is worth noting that there is no type of vegetarianism that is better than the other. It is a personal choice, which ranges from ethical and moral values ​​to health issues, and must be respected regardless of the vegetarian option chosen.

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