Natural soothing

“Stress” is a common word and feeling, widely used and felt in anyone's daily life. Routine, work, problems… Many factors contribute to someone having more turbulent moments internally and resorting to medication to calm the body and mind. The famous “black stripe” are commonly refuges at bedtime, presenting some work, relieving anxiety and in many other situations that make the hands sweat and the chest tighten. Few people look for a natural tranquilizer when they seek help in medical offices, usually because they discredit its effectiveness, but little do they know about the benefits that the body has when avoiding the consumption of heavy sedatives.

Choosing a natural treatment is a boon for the body and an exercise for the mind. Many pharmaceutical tranquilizers are sold only by prescription and result in dependence, which causes them to lose effectiveness over time of consumption, causing doses to need to be increased.

Prolonged use of common tranquilizers can result in various diseases; researchers have linked the continuous use of this type of medication to the development of Alzheimer's disease, in addition to proving the great load that is generated in the liver, which is harmed with the use of substances.

Natural soothing

Anxiety, insomnia, panic syndrome, phobias and depression are some examples of diseases and disorders that lead people to resort to tranquilizers, but few know the power that nature has and the good it can do for our body. Recognizing that you need help dealing with certain feelings and sensations is the first step in dealing with what you feel. Seeking medical help is the second.

Doctors usually prescribe anxiolytics accompanied by therapy for some types of treatment, but the fact is that in most cases these prescription drugs need time to take effect and can cause various side effects.

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The natural tranquilizer, as the name implies, is totally natural and, in addition to acting cleanly and not harmful to health, it helps your body in several other areas.

Get to know some examples of natural tranquilizers, their recipes and actions in the body:

Natural soothing

Chamomile tea

It acts as a sedative on the nervous and digestive system, producing a light sensation that helps a person to calm down when they are in a state of nervousness and restlessness, reducing hyperactivity. Controls poor digestion and relieves anxiety.


1 tablespoon of chamomile flower;

1 cup of boiling water.


Add the spoon of chamomile flowers to the boiling water and let it rest for 10 minutes. Strain and drink the tea warm.

Natural soothing

Valerian Tea

Valerian is a plant that has relaxing and sedative properties. Commonly used for insomnia and depression treatments, it has great results when used for the treatment of anxiety and agitation.


1 tablespoon of valerian roots and stem;

1 cup of boiling water.


Add the spoon of roots and stem of the plant to the boiling water and let it infuse for 10 minutes. Strain and drink immediately when the tea is warm.

Natural soothing

Melissa tea

The melissa plant has long been used as a natural tranquilizer. In some cases, it is used to replace allopathic antidepressants and works as a powerful anxiolytic.


1 tablespoon of lemon balm;

1 cup of boiling water.


Place the spoon of the plant in the boiling water and let it infuse for 10 minutes. Strain and then drink.

Now that you know some tea recipes with very simple preparations, have you ever thought about making a jelly to sweeten the mood and calm the chest? Check out our easy-to-make passion fruit jelly tip!

Natural soothing

Quick Passion Fruit Jelly

Passion fruit has a tranquilizing action. In the form of a jelly, it produces a sensation of pleasure, causing the brain to produce endorphins.


250 grams of passion fruit pulp;

150 grams of sugar (your choice);

50 ml of water.


Mix the three ingredients in a pan and place it on low heat, letting it cook for 40 minutes or until it turns into a syrup. Then sift the syrup and press the seeds very well so that nothing is wasted. After that, bring the syrup back to the fire and let it cook for another 15 minutes. The jam is ready when it's thick, leaving a trail at the bottom of the pan when you spoon/spatula. Turn off the heat, let it cool and that's it!

So far you've learned how to make a tea to relieve anxiety and a jelly that can give you pleasure and, at the same time, reassure you. Let's end this article with an indication of meditation, so that, in addition to seeking answers and external help, you can stop and reflect on the search for a deeper self-knowledge, understanding how you react to certain situations and what can help you to calm down naturally.

Natural soothing

meditation for anxiety

Follow the steps and only focus on yourself.

1 – Put your feet on the ground and feel the touch on the ground. Where you are doesn't matter, whether at home or on the street. It also doesn't matter if you're sitting or standing.

2 – Inhale and exhale paying attention to the air that enters and leaves your lungs. You can practice breathing techniques that will help you focus, such as breathing in for five seconds, holding in for seven seconds, and out for nine.

With this simple meditation technique, you will learn to control your breathing and calm your mind, decreasing the heartbeat that is accelerated in some situations.

After these tips to help you with a natural tranquilizer, you need to know that in some levels of anxiety or any other problem for which you feel the need for a tranquilizer, it is necessary to consult a doctor so that he can decide the best treatment for you. . Herbal medicines will always be at your disposal!

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