The best source of protein

The best source of protein

Considered a villain for a long time, more recent studies show that the egg can be, yes, a great ally of diet and health. Eggs are one of the most complete foods in terms of vitamins, good fats and minerals, in addition to being an easily accessible and inexpensive product compared to other sources of animal protein.

Tasty, versatile and easy to prepare, the egg can be consumed in any meal of the day, but it takes some care and attention to some recommendations to enjoy all that this food has to offer!

the egg protein

The egg is, without a doubt, a great source of protein, providing all the essential amino acids to our body. Proteins, in turn, are important to our body as they have a constructive and repairing function for our cells, participating in the formation of hormones, enzymes and antibodies. What's more, if you're on the hard-training team, getting enough protein is critical for muscle hypertrophy. But how much protein is there in an egg anyway?

A whole chicken egg provides, on average, 6 grams of protein, varying slightly according to its size or weight. For example, a small egg, weighing about 38 grams, has 4.9 grams of protein. The largest, better known as jumbo, has a total of approximately 63 grams, with 8.2 grams of protein.

However beware! Many people believe that all the protein in the egg is found in the white, but that's not exactly what science shows. These quoted values ​​represent a whole egg, with the protein being similarly distributed between the white and the yolk. That is, if an egg has 7 grams of protein, about 4 grams are in the white and the other 3 grams are in the yolk, which also holds the other nutrients in the food! So no discarding one or the other, because the whole egg is beneficial for health!

In addition to proteins

Egg benefits go beyond protein. It also has several vitamins, minerals and lipids, which are essential for the proper functioning of our body. The white, for example, contains albumin, an easily absorbed and digested protein that has nine essential amino acids for muscle mass gain and muscle tissue regeneration, in addition to helping with nail and hair growth. In white is also found leucine, an amino acid that contributes to the full functioning of muscles, as well as helping to lose body fat.

The yolk, often overlooked, is rich in omega-3, an important fat for the brain. Another substance present in the egg and extremely important to our health is vitamin B, more precisely B12, since its deficiency can cause anemia. A single egg still has vitamins E, K, D, A, folic acid, zinc, calcium, selenium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron. It is also a source of choline, a protein that is related to good memory.

What is the best way to consume the egg?

Egg is a complete food and a great ally in lean mass gain. However, depending on the way it is prepared, the amount of protein that the human body is able to absorb can change. Some people think that eating raw eggs is good for your health. Well, eating them raw is not necessarily harmful, although there is a low risk of salmonella contamination. But raw consumption of the food causes a great part of its protein to be wasted.

That's because studies show that the amount of protein absorbed by our body when the egg is raw is less than 50%; when cooked, about 90% of the egg's protein can be absorbed. In addition to its cooked form, we can also consume the fried egg, in pancakes or omelets, poached, scrambled and so on. Regardless of your preference, just make sure it doesn't burn. Apart from the unpleasant taste of eating burnt food, high temperatures can harm the use of the egg's nutrients.

Is it bad to eat egg yolks?

But what about the yolk, is it bad? Does it raise cholesterol? Is it more caloric than white? Or is it completely irrelevant to building muscle?

A recent study by the University of Illinois, in the United States, found that the yolks are as essential as the whites to obtain the protein. In this study of athletes, one group ate only egg whites, while the other group consumed whole eggs. Laboratory tests showed that the two ways of consuming eggs delivered the same amount of amino acids to the participants, a substance essential for muscle mass gain.

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In addition to the comparative results having reached similar numbers, what is known today about the egg goes even further. There's no need to fear the yolk, as it's where we find most of the egg's nutrients. Discarding it, therefore, is wasteful in every way.

The benefits of consuming egg protein

For those who are in search of good shape, the egg helps in the fat burning phase. It is also low in calories compared to other foods, as a large egg contains only about 77 calories. But anyone who thinks that this is a food with poor nutritional value is wrong. Alone, it holds most of the essential nutrients for our body to function well.

Eggs are considered a functional food, so they are ideal for breakfast. Because it is rich in proteins, its digestion is slower, so consuming it in the morning will promote prolonged satiety, preventing the consumption of other caloric sources between the other meals of the day.

But, without a doubt, the biggest advantage of including this item on the menu is due to its relatively cheap cost and its versatility at the time of preparation, provided that, as we saw earlier, they are consumed whole and cooked in some way.

This excellent and complete food is already a sure presence in the routine of many people around the world. As everything in excess is bad, of course its consumption should be moderate and it needs to be part of a balanced diet, along with other varied foods. Ideally, each person should eat one to two eggs a day. However, in the case of diets that are more controlled or focused on gaining muscle mass, it is recommended that the right amounts be defined with the help of a nutritionist.

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