Therapy and psychologist: who needs it and when to start?

    Therapy. For some it is considered a basic need, for others it is linked to expensive treatments indicated only to those who have money. Or even worse, it's an alternative for those who couldn't hold the wave, went crazy and turned themselves in to a doctor who treats mental problems.

    The word therapy may sound a little strange to many people, as there are still certain misconceptions (and prejudices) regarding this treatment, however, it never goes out of style (in a good way) and has been part of life. of millions of people around the world.

    Busy life, stressful routine, lack of time, unbridled consumerism, triple journey are some of the factors that can be considered more than relevant points for such a call “liquid modernity”, measured in the books and studies of the Polish sociologist, Zygmunt Bauman. Nothing is made to last in these times. There are no ties, said Bauman. In an increasingly “ordinary” society, what accumulates are pain, physical and psychological strain, sadness, depression, broken homes and an emotional much more than shaken, hurt.

    At these times, opting for therapy is still a good option for those looking to get out of complicated situations. Searching for a qualified service in which there is the use of tools that aim at self-knowledge, harmony and balance is an initial step of self-acceptance. In other words, recognizing that there is a problem is already half way through the process.

    Just like any other health professional, a psychologist or therapist has the function of mapping what are the causes that are leading the patient to have a performance or behavior that leads to dissatisfaction.

    Having a filter of what can be considered aggravating to resort to this type of treatment is something relative, and Every human being reacts in different ways to similar cases. However, being happy, getting to know yourself, accepting yourself, improving personality points that bring discomfort and maladjustment, increasing your ability to socialize or simply letting off steam are some of the goals pursued in therapy. In some of these questions we are all the same, regardless of social class or religion. If there is still doubt or association of therapy with lack of control and powerlessness in dealing with problems, remember that.

    Therapy and psychologist: who needs it and when to start?There are different types of therapeutic approaches that are established according to each diagnosis. The time of the sessions is stipulated according to the patient's need. The values ​​of consultations are agreed depending on the experience of the professional and the type of treatment that will be applied. It is worth remembering that many universities and colleges with psychology courses offer free care in several regions. If money is tight, search for the nearest location and schedule an appointment.

    The body is an extension of the mind and vice versa. Keeping both sane amidst a barrage of information and tragedies is a constant day-to-day challenge. When it comes to your happiness, don't create obstacles and don't get carried away by silly and retrograde prejudices. Take your health seriously and affectionately.

    Text written by Juliana Alves de Souza from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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